
Awww i think its a lovely idea... you could always have a party to celebrate after the baby is born with all your families :D

That way you get presents :wink: :lol:
its a nice idea but i cant help but wonder if both your families would be happy about it? surely they'd want to see their childrens wedding?
thats a lovely idea, if its what u want u go for it! after all its ur wedding noone elses!
Its your day and it should be however you want it to be! Do what u feel is right hun, if you want to be married with no fuss then go for it :D x

Do what I did! My OH and I didn't want a big wedding. We just politely told our families that we were going away to get married, and told them the date. (We went to Antigua.) Of course they knew we wouldn't have the money to pay for them to come along.

They couldn't afford to come, and we had the wedding all to ourselves.
Both families took it very well. We had a small party when we got back from the honeymoon. So we still got the prezzies! My mom still wishes she could've been there though.

If you do that, and your or his parents want to come - they can. Just show up and sit in the back of the register's office. Then they can be a part of it.

Good luck with it all! I would be like you, wanting to have the same name of my hubby and baby! Awww!
Personally I wouldnt keep it secret, just invite both sets of parents.

I cancelled my big white wedding cause of being preggie and had a very small registry office wedding, my parents flew over and we just had them and my DH mum at the service, had lunch at home and my BIL came, went to a local restaurant in the eve where a friend and her family joined us, it was really nice.

We are still hoping to have a big church do/blessing next year.

hope you have a beautiful day whatever you decide.
I fully understand how you are feeling. I think it's a lovely idea, but I can't help thinking that you might regret your decision later.

Most girls dream of their perfect wedding. The dress and location are all important, but your priorities have changed now you are going to be parents.

It is a difficult decision you have to make, sorry I can't help. Just make sure that you are both totally happy with your decision and I agree with having the huge party afterwards. I only had a small wedding and sometimes regret it. xxx
Carlybaby i had my wedding and it cost just over 500 quid including me outfit! and it was a proper dress too.

We had a registry office due with just close family and friends, went to the pub after then onto the hall we booked for our reception where it was a social club with a cheap bar and we had disco kareoke! was abrill day and wont forget it in a hurry!
MIL bless her provided all the food!
I think you shold do exactly what you want, but you have to consider it carefully, if you get married in secret you can never get the big day back - so you have to be sure you dont want it.

Me and DH go married in secret and it was perfect - we loved it! But it was just what we wanted and nearly everyone was understanding and delighted, especially our parents.

Good luck whatever you decide.
Id say do what you want but dont rush it, its your big day. :hug: :hug:
It can be very expensive to get married especially as you have a little one on the way.

I spent over £8000 on my wedding in 2004. It was only a 4 hour bash as it was Christmas eve and most of our guests had quite a bit of travelling to do so it wasn't fair to take up all of their Christmas eve.

It was perfect though, it just went a little too fast and as I said earlier I sometimes wish I had a big party afterwards to celebrate with everyone we know. xxx
i got married in secret.
i was 18 and my dad didnt really like him and i wanted to marry him so we had a small registry office wedding with just his mum and a couple of his friends (none of mine)
my dad didnt find out til a year after when we had a row and my dad came round to help sort it out and it all came out!
ill never forget his face he was so hurt cos i had taken away his job of giving me away. after that i always regretted it.
anyway the marriage didnt work out and i left last march and im now with someone else and have nathan and am the happiest ive ever been.
im still not divorced yet and i dont think he knows about nathan so hopefully soon we can get things sorted so we all have the same name!
Ive justre read the thread and why not have a registry office do, but have a blessing when you move to wales so its like a wedding and you cn have a big party then -tell the parents your getting marrie d and its up to them if thy show.
basically what we did was booked the registry office and then told only close family (parents and siblings) if they wanted to come then they could, but it wasnt a big deal.

i didnt wear a dress as we had two weeks from the day we booked it to the day we got married and i was 33weeks preggy.

We were thinking about not telling anyone but i know both our mums would be really upset and espesially since DH is an only child.

We wanted to be married before baby arrived, and we're so happy the way it worked out, we had a lovely day.

Plus we could always have a vow renewal in a few years time which could be a big fancy affair, although we're really shy and dont really like the idea of a big fancy show with us the cenre of attention. but it would be nice to have something wiht the kids there.

Let us know what you decide to do,i hope you find a happy medium for both of you :D .

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