So today (well Monday) midwifey came round to do 2nd sweep
Which was more successful and I was 1cm dilated. But since then
So my date to be induced is Saturday....grrr just feels so far away and I'll be
41+6 by then. Talk about leaving it to the last minute.
And I've heard it starts getting dangerous at this point as ur placenta becomes inefficient
Sick of worrying about when, how, hoping baby pops out ok?
Did Graci9 go into labour yet does anyone know?
Which was more successful and I was 1cm dilated. But since then
So my date to be induced is Saturday....grrr just feels so far away and I'll be
41+6 by then. Talk about leaving it to the last minute.
And I've heard it starts getting dangerous at this point as ur placenta becomes inefficient
Sick of worrying about when, how, hoping baby pops out ok?
Did Graci9 go into labour yet does anyone know?