4 early m/cs, 1 blighted ovum and preg again!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2012
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Hi everyone! I'm really hoping to find some people in a common situation on here, feel so alone right now.

From the top, I am married and we have two gorgeous Daughters (5&3), both perfectly healthy pregnancies. After my second Daughter I had the implanon put in for six months, had it removed January 2010 to ttc #3, had one cycle then started trying, got pregnant straight away but miscarried a couple of days after bfp, then I had around half a year of annovulatory, irregular cycles. Then on Halloween 2010 I had fertile cm so was like "I'm jumping on this!" and I got pregnant again, miscarried again at 6 weeks. Then I had two more miscarriages over the next 5 months.

June 2011 I found out I was pregnant again, I started spotting brown cm at 5 weeks but as I still had my symptoms and hadn't properly bled or had pain I thought it was all ok (I had first tri bleeding with both of my Daughters), but I went for a scan at 6 weeks anyway to check on things. There was just a gestational sac there measuring 5+3... Not a problem I thought, I might just be off a few days. Over the next 4 weeks I went back several times, each time it looked more and more unlikely that a baby would suddenly appear out of no-where. At 11 weeks I eventually miscarried naturally - The worst experience of my life I kept hemoraging and passing huge clots, it was as painful as labour but without the reward.

After that we decided we'd stop putting ourselves through this torture and get some testing after my cycles were back on track. Which brings us up to date. I've not had testing yet, still waiting for my referral to come through! But low and behold one of DH's little swimmers still decided to penetrate my egg! We've been avoiding pregnancy for nearly a year and suddenly it happens (coincidentally at the same time my best friend finds out she's pregnant after two years or so of trying without luck... We did always say we'd do it together and now we're due 11 days apart!). I'm 6+5 today and have been spotting on and off with some mild cramping since 30/06/2012... I have a scan booked for Monday and I'm convinced it's going to be the same deal as last time, it's even the same month of the year!

I'm just really looking to share my experience, it's about time really. There aren't many people in my sort of situation - believe me, I've been looking forever!! But I intend to post here what happens with me so that perhaps in the future if there is someone feeling as lonely as I do, I hopefully have something positive to share with them. Eeeep, just saw the length of this post... Sooooorry!


-Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay, it's not the end.
Hi hun,

I think this thread is actually more suited to the "pregnancy after loss" sub forum.

You should be able to contact a mod and ask them to move it.

This section is more for women that have just had a loss.

You'll get a better reponse in the other section.

(I am a first time Mummy to be again after suffering 3 miscarriages in 2011 so I do understand your predictiment, but think you need to get the thread moved!!)

Thanks, I'll just copy, paste and delete this one if it won't go down well here. I just thought it was the right place as I'm currently spotting (lets face it, odds are stacked far against me in this pregnancy) but hey ho.
So sorry sweetie,

Please don't move this thread.

I must confess to not reading about the spotting (I was in a rush on my out the door)

Right, now I've had the courtesy to read your first post properly (so sorry I didn't this morning!!) I can reply properly too :lol:

I hope that your scan on Monday shows at all is OK, as you say you have had first tri bleeding before, but I understand that realistically you are expecting the worst.

Until Monday comes though, just take it easy and relax.

I had 3 miscarriages last year (a 8w, 5w and 6w) and we went for recurrent miscarriage testing. We got this BFP the day before we got our results [which incidentally showed no obvious reason for our losses]

My first m/c started with spotting at 5w 5d, I went straight to EPU but it was too early to see anything. I went back a week later and things had progressed but there was still no HB. I had about 8 scans all in as each time they scanned me thy called a consultant in to rescan me :shock:, before I did miscarry at 8w. Even at 8w there was a lot of blood and a lot of pain, so I cannot imagine how horrible it was at 11 weeks.

If this does not work out for you, pleqase og back to the Dr and push for you tests, you cannot keep going through this

BUT until Monday please keep a calm head - it may not be the worst news??

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Turns out I couldn't if I wanted to, couldn't even find a delete button lol.

I'm sorry for your losses, no matter what stage they are, it's never easy. Congrats on the bump now though, hope I'm as fortunate!

Trust me, I'm barely lifting a finger this last week, it's driving me mad seeing my house go to wrack and ruin until 5.30 when hubby gets home to help me tidy but it must be done! I'm flitting about with my emotions towards this pregnancy, sometimes I'm trying to be optimistic, others I accept the fate of my unborn is out of my hands and others I'm convinced it's the end... I swear that however this pregnancy concludes, I will look 30 years older by the end!
Hope this pregnancy works out for you xx
I had a miscarriage 7 years ago, then had my son in 2010. since that iv had 2 miscarriages, one was blighted ovum had to get a d&c yesterday it was awful. I hope everything is fine on monday x
I'm so sorry for your losses. I did my best to avoid a D&C with my B/O, I didn't think miscarrying naturally would be all that bad but oh how wrong I was! Did the D&C hurt? I hope you don't mind me asking, it's just if I end up in the same way this time (my pregnancy is identical apart from having more nausea this time), I think I'd like to go for that rather than the natural way - Got a really horrible infection which saw me admitted to hospital, not to mention the week in bed having to sleep with bath sheets between my legs to contain it :s

I woke up this morning and didn't feel nauseated right away (not that I have in recent days, mine is a hunger nausea) and panicked! Then it came, never been so happy to feel sick!!

Thanks for the well wishes, I'll post on here tomorrow after the scan.
Hi, no it didnt hurt. i had medicated management for my last 1 and that was awful, but that was my 2nd d&c and it wasnt painful and i was asleep for ten minutes woke up and it was over. no pain after and iv only got light bleeding. i think its the best option for a miscarriage, mine was a blighted ovum and i was 8/9weeks and there was no sign of it coming away and i was exhausted with bad morning sickness. I am glad it was over so fast, there was no way i could of waited weeks for it to end x
Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I only wish it was a nicer one for you to share :(
hiya sorry for all ur losses i have had 2 this past yr one at 5.5 weeks other at 10 weeks bby stopped week 7-8 :-( , with my first mmc i had 3 scans in 3 weeks and still it wasnt coming away by its self so i said i would try the pessery etc in hospital to try and bring it away big mistake all that happened was i bled a lot lost a few clots but not the sac and i was in agony the whole day told to go home n see what happens nothing happened my body just did not want to let go it was horrible ended up with a erpc which is similar to dnc only they use suction its less abrasive,i bled for 3-4 weeks afterwards, now my second one i opted for the erpc right away i wasnt going through that again no way and i had to wait a week anyways for the op and still no spotting or anything still had all my preg symptoms sickness headaches i had a belly by then to :-( , hd my erpc woke up no pain slight bleeding got up walked about had summet to eat and home by 6 that night bled for 1 day that was it its been 8 weeks now and im getting there just had my very first cycle and awaiting af to make appearance and right bk ttc cant wait about im 39 40 next month, i realy hope this pregnancy works out for u all the best and take it easy xxxx
Hi, sorry for your losses.. And thanks for sharing your story.. I'm hoping to build up a thread that (hopefully!!!) gives other women hope when they're having troubles of their own.. Kind of inspired by the lack of people I managed to find in my shoes lol.

Thanks so much for the well wishes, I'm just taking each day as it comes, the brown has been gone since Tuesday (as always, touch wood!). I'm resting up, taking baby aspirin on advice of the recurrent miscarriage Doctor the EPU nurse spoke to on my behalf and the prenatals. Looking forward to my next scan on 23/07 but so nervous too! Going to make DH wait outside with the children, my eldest might twig what it is and I don't want her to get upset if it's bad news.
Ooooh, sorry totally forgot to add. Good luck with you future ttc journey!!! Gosh I seemed so rude there lol.
aww thnx hoping it doesnt take to long to catch the eggy again and its 3rd time lucky for me altho i do have 6 children so am lucky in that respect,fingers crossed for u hope its gd news i am also on asprin and high dose folic acid x
Happy feet, I just read your thread and believe me I can totally understand! I am in a similar position where I feel very lonely and keep thinking why is this happening to me? People around me are getting pregnant every time they sneeze an carry on going with healthy pregnancy! I only have one daughter an would like to expand our family. There are so many things keep going through my mind. It's just cruel that we have to put up with this an then carry on our normal day to day lives! I have two people at work that are pregnant at the moment one being 6 weeks ahead of me!

I've had two blighted ovum miscarriages within the last 7 months! One in january and I'm going through my second one at the moment!! It is very painful not just physically but mentally and emotionally draining! I couldn't get over the last one let alone to go through this again is just pure cruel!

Basically what I am trying to say that even though in our day to day life we might think that we are alone but believe me we are not alone! Some of the stories I have read on this forum have been heart breaking!

How is your pregnancy going now? I am sorry if I have missed something on other threads.

Take care xxx
I'm so sorry you're going through this again Sali. You're right, it does feel so cruel to keep losing babies.. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so strong with it, but like you said, we have to carry on going!

Are your Doctors looking to test things or are they going to be cruel and make you wait and see if it happens again?

I'm doing ok with this pregnancy so far, have had some spotting on and off, symptoms seem good. Proof will be in the pudding tomorrow at scan #2 though. I'm absolutely bricking it, I'll be going in expecting the worse as I usually do - It's like I've come to believe that it'll never happen for me again and that this time it's going to be even more cruel and let me see the heartbeat at 6 weeks and then the baby still die. I'll update here tomorrow whatever the outcome.

I really hope that your Doctors do something to help identify what's going wrong and that you're able to have a brilliant pregnancy next time xxx
My GP won't do anything unfortunately but luckily the private consultant has offered to give me meds for the next time an I have asked her if I could get some tests done in the meantime! So let's see what happens but it just sucks!!:(
I'm glad to hear that everything is fine with you and wish you all the best. Keep us posted xx
Oh I'm glad they're going to take care of you sali! Very reassuring to know that she's going to do everything she can to help you stay pregnant next time.

Just updating my pregnancy as promised. 8 week scan today, heartbeat seen and heard, next scan on 8th August at 10 weeks.

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