3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

mermaid said:

Haven't posted a pic for a while so here is my 35+3 bump!!! Still no stretch marks. I'm just tempting fate now aren't I lol?!

you're so lucky, i can see mine starting to come :shock:
My stretch marks on my tummy came at about 36 weeks :(

Lets hope you stay stretch mark free Mermaid!
I've no stretch marks yet either, but then I'm not that big I don't think. Watch this space. Knowng me I'll grow really big at the end.
28 weeks tomorrow :D

Aaargh! Don't say that Jaidybaby, I shouldn't have said anything. :wall:
mermaid said:
Aaargh! Don't say that Jaidybaby, I shouldn't have said anything. :wall:

Sowwie hun....im sure you will be one of the lucky ones though :wink:
heres my 28 week and 1 day piccy
sorry about my horrid streach marks!!! lol


Thanks honey, the midwife said my pierced bump looked awful! Oh well, she's too old to understand I think lol! :moon:

Sassy, your bump looks very similar in shape and size to mine! So does your birthing ball lol! :D
mermaid said:
Thanks honey, the midwife said my pierced bump looked awful! Oh well, she's too old to understand I think lol! :moon:

Sassy, your bump looks very similar in shape and size to mine! So does your birthing ball lol! :D

boy?girl? im glad you said that, everyone seems to say to me " oooh you cant have that long left your HUGE" :twisted:

post a pic so i can compare :wave:
Here's my boy bump sassy but looking at it now, it has dropped as his head is engaged. It looked a lot like your shape a few weeks back :D

ooooh yours looks neater than mine though 8)

mine seems to be hugeeeee today, im finding it very hard to move about :twisted:
lovely bumps ladies!!

i miss mine now :cry: my jelly belly just isn't the same
Yeah gorgeous bumps ladies!

I'm the same Sam, jelly bellys just ain't the same at all! :lol:
gorgeous bumps all you mums in waiting :hug:

Im the same too, i want another already, its the most magical thing having and feeling a new life growing inside you :hug: getting all emotional now, damn hormones.........still!!!! :cry: xxxx

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