3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

clairem1984 said:
yeah im dreading it lol. i think its coz hes in an awkward position at the moment, midwife says hes laying really high up

Yeah some positions they lay in are a lot more comfier than others...its when they are right up under your ribs it hurts!!

I have NO room in my tummy left at all now and every little squirm it feels like he is gonna burst out through my skin :rotfl:
yeah hes right under my rips at the moment, i cant even sit up straight :( i have to sit at a certain angle lol. hope he moves down soon.

yours sounds worse tho.. but at least for you the end is near :)
clairem1984 said:
yeah hes right under my rips at the moment, i cant even sit up straight :( i have to sit at a certain angle lol. hope he moves down soon.

yours sounds worse tho.. but at least for you the end is near :)

Yeah this is true...hopefully nearer than I think but that could be wishful thinking :pray: :lol:
I was so miserable around 30 weeks, i was so uncomfy...

It eased around 37 weeks and now I am much more comfy, able to eat and sleep better.

Will miss my bump I think :cry: xx
aww im sure he'll be coming soon, im really hoping mine is gonna be early, but thats probably wishful thinking, theres just too many ppl's birthdays near my due date *sulks*

have u had any signs that he mite be on his way?
i'll keep my fingers crossed for ya
zoe c said:
I was so miserable around 30 weeks, i was so uncomfy...

It eased around 37 weeks and now I am much more comfy, able to eat and sleep better.

Will miss my bump I think :cry: xx

i dont think im gonna miss mine lol. but at least it sounds like it mite ease off...in another 7 weeks hmmm...
Me or Jades? Jades having a boy, I am a surprise baby, but convinced its a boy!!??

Both Jades and I have had NILCH, no signs yet, both think we are going to be overdue.... :think:

(I can speak on behalf of Jades as we are long lost twinnies and know everything about each other!! :rotfl: )
haha i was asking jade coz i asked that b4 i saw ud left a msg

but i dont mind you answering too :)

im having a boy too

which would you prefer your suprise to be?
Zoe is right no signs yet.....convinced im going to go overdue but praying I wont :pray:

This little chap will come when he is ready, unfortunately I think he may be lazy like his daddy :shock:
welll anything could happen in 5 days :lol:

im starting my parentcraft classes in a couple of weeks though im not really sure what to expect. did u find them very helpful?
zoe or jaidy can answer :D
clairem1984 said:
haha i was asking jade coz i asked that b4 i saw ud left a msg

but i dont mind you answering too :)

im having a boy too

which would you prefer your suprise to be?


I have always secretly wanted a little girl, but we have no boy gradchildren in our family, all girls so a boy would be so special too!!! And a mini version of my OH, would be just amazing!!

I am so excited now to see bubba and hear OH tell me "We have a son", or "We have a daughter"...it will be the happiest, most emotional moment of my entire life :cheer:
there isnt any grandchildren in my family yet, im the first one lol

though i my OH's parents wanted him to be a girl, just coz they had 3 sons. but me and my OH wanted a boy really, so we're both really happy... though his parents are being annoying and still saying hes gonna be a boy :(
My parentcraft was ok hun, it wasnt everything I expected it to be to honest, most of it I knew from coming on here! :oops:

Also the sessions were very long winded, about 2 and half hours a go in the evenings which was a lot. We had 4 sessions but only went to 2 because of other commitments.

Id go, see how you get on, they are different in different areas so I have heard. We did learn some good tips but it wouldnt have been the end of the world if we hadnt gone if you get me?

Yours will probably be great fun, just keep an open mind and if you dont like them, you dont have to go. I know lots of people that havent!

Hope you enjoy it :hug:
i've got 3 of them at 2 hours each, which does seem quite alot. just hoping my OH can get the time off to come with me. im just hoping that maybe i can meet someone around my age in the same situation, coz im kinda the first in my *circle of friends* and i think most of them have forgotten about me for the pub :(
Our parentcraft classes were good, I was already knowledgable through all the stuff I have picked up on here, OH was dead proud of me!! LOL
I felt they really reassured me on things I forgot to ask at midwife appointments etc, dont be afraid to ask questions at them.
We found a tour of the maternity unit the most useful last week, they showed us all the different rooms, and equipment etc. Its worth going if your hozzie do it. xx
clairem1984 said:
i've got 3 of them at 2 hours each, which does seem quite alot. just hoping my OH can get the time off to come with me. im just hoping that maybe i can meet someone around my age in the same situation, coz im kinda the first in my *circle of friends* and i think most of them have forgotten about me for the pub :(

Yeah same here hun, we have older friends that have kids but no real babies as such!

Unfotunately we didnt really meet anyone our age at the classes, most of the mums/dads were in their 30's and 40's, OH and I are 22 and 21, so we felt like babies ourselves!
hmm probably wont be much better for me either, we're 22 and 24. i kinda thought they mite all be older than us. just hope that they arent snoppy coz we're younger
clairem1984 said:
hmm probably wont be much better for me either, we're 22 and 24. i kinda thought they mite all be older than us. just hope that they arent snoppy coz we're younger

They shouldnt be, everyone at ours were fine.

You might be ok and have lots of people our sort of age at yours :D
here is my 2 week update (even though i posted my 27 week tum :oops: )

Baby belly at 28weeks

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