3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

MomNat is tha Richard Felix in your avatar?

Lovely bumps girls I want mine back :(
Strangeness said:
MomNat is tha Richard Felix in your avatar?

Lovely bumps girls I want mine back :(

Yep, that's Richard. My new friend :D

You can have my bump if you want :wink:
zoe c said:
Who is Richard Felix and why is he touching your bump Momnat?? :think: xx

He was the historian on the show Most Haunted and my avatar picture was taken on Friday 20th October at Annesley Hall when I went on a Huge Ghost Hunt with him and quite a few other people. Whenever he spoke when we did the walk with him, the baby would kick like crazy and whenever he touched my belly and spoke to the baby, the baby would kick like mad. On that picture he is saying "hello in there" :rotfl:
Well I thought it about time I posted on here......

I hope this works * fingers crossed*


This was taken 2 weeks ago when I was 32 weeks my bump seems to have changed shape now and I am trying to get hubby to take another pic!

Sorry its so crap and Iam not brave enough to show a pic without the nightie on! lol
Awww MomNat that is wicked :lol: I love Richard Felix! Did you see any ghosts? :D

Lovely bump lyndsey!
this one was at 24wks....


excuse the lack of clothes :oops:

here is mine at 27wks exactly

nice neat bump...

You should photoshop the 1st pic and make it arty, like black and white or something with a plain background. would look lovely.
What do you ladies think do i have a girly bump or a boyish bump?
nikki lets have a final bump picture from you chick!!!! :cheer:
Reckon i am gonna have a 10lber now :shock: ,you don't realise how big you are till you see a photo,come on girls that are due get posting those pics make me feel better :lol: xx
I'll post one on my due date as I dont think baby will be coming anytime soon.

I think your baby will be coming over the weekend Nikki :D

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