3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

DW, defo on a home stretch here!
32 weeks today and feeling a bit fed up alreadyuploadfromtaptalk1361037000593.jpguploadfromtaptalk1361037041597.jpg

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knopk!! less of the stretch lol xx im definitely expanding each wk now how long before skin breaks lol xx

looking good too hun :) xx

sent from my snazzy new Galaxy S3 xxx
DW, thanks hun. Unfortunately judging from my experience, there is still some stretching to come. Moisturise like there is no tomorrow so your skin doesnt itch at least
Redbear, have you had a pic recently? Need to go and look properly, love the bumps! Isnt it amazing how we grow a whole human being?

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Found it, impressive bump! Love how Alice is at the front lol. Do you think she understands there is a baby in.there?

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Looking good ladies

I'll try and remember to do a new one tomorrow

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Well she keeps pulling up my top and then smacking the belly, twice she has lifted it up laid her head on it and said 'awww' and kissed it (i got a photo :D) but i think its just because i keep saying aww baby to my belly at her and she knows her dolly is called baby who she kisses.

I cant get over how lovely and round your bump is! x
Cesca does that with my bump on a daily basis :) It's really adorable, but annoying when you're in public ha ha. How old's your LO?xx

Mummy to Francesca. Born 10/08/2011. Expecting my baby boy, Benjamin. Due 07/03/2013.
Induction booked for 25/02/2013, then 28/02/2013 if it fails.
Hospital bag ready!
On TapaTalk! Excuse any typos :)
Some lovely bumps going on here ladies :)

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She has just gone one :) so i dont know if she realises whats happening really xx
My son does the patting, kissing and lifts my tops up but i am not sure he understands although he knows what babies are and is very interested in looking.
He is 17 months but i dont know how much he can grasp. Probably will be a big shock anyway

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Cesca's 18 months, will be nice seeing how she reacts when baby isn't in mummys' tummy anymore!! Ha ha xx

Mummy to Francesca. Born 10/08/2011. Expecting my baby boy, Benjamin. Due 07/03/2013.
Induction booked for 25/02/2013, then 28/02/2013 if it fails.
Hospital bag ready!
On TapaTalk! Excuse any typos :)

28 weeks!!!

GTT this morning and already bored!!! Only just started my two hour wait eek!!!

Aww cute bump jolly.

Here's my 32+4

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  • uploadfromtaptalk1361205989214.jpg
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Gorgeous bumps :D
Grace is 14 months and when I ask her where her sister/Astor is, she pulls my top up!

I'm 31 weeks today!


  • 31weeks.jpg
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Lovely bump Tiff :)

37 + 5 bump... Definitely nice and low now!! Lol


Mummy to Francesca. Born 10/08/2011. Expecting my baby boy, Benjamin. Due 07/03/2013.
Induction booked for 25/02/2013, then 28/02/2013 if it fails.
Hospital bag ready!
On TapaTalk! Excuse any typos :)
Wow really low heppi Xx

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Pudds, doesnt look.like the bump got much bigger, do you feel bigger?
Tiff, looks like you had a growth spurt hun!
Heppi, defo very low now

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No not really hun, no growth spurt this week although she does feel heavier. I have been having tons of pains today. I seem bigger in person, all my friends say im much bigger this time around. xx

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