3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

Should have thought about just watching from somewhere close by really! Bloody pregnancy brain!

I think Hevwivbump posted once before saying she was from Folkestone. We should have a meet up cause there's a few of us close by now.

Tan x
I missed the airshow so wanted to goo :( .We should do a kent meet there are a few of us now :D ,I am in canterbury and hev is in folkestone isn't puff puff from kent?
wow i've grown - my bump at 34 weeks


Hayley great bump, it looks quite low, has it always been like that or has it dropped? won't be long till you have you LO now!!!!

hayley your bump does look quite low!! is your LOs head engaged??

my bump is still soooo high up, ill try and post piccies later.

Hayley, you didn't find out the sex did you? Its just your bump looks exactly the same shape as mine! (except i've put on a lot more weight in other areas!) Have you got a feeling of what sex baby will be?

Tan x
i thought it was just me.. i asked DH if my bump had dropped on sunday because i got some really painful kicks and thought my bump had moved lower - he agreed with me but i knew he didn't have a clue what i was talking about... i'm so happy you all think i've dropped... i hope the baby has finally turned (will find out tomorrow) baby has been breech all the way...

tan you've got me interested now!! do you know what your having? i have no idea... today i feel it's a boy... i'd love a girl.. but anything as long as healthy...

I'm having a girl but I guess you can't really tell. It just seems like you are exactly the same shape but a bit lower! Although mine drops some days and is back under my ribs other days.

Tan x
Hayley lovely bump piccies, I think you look like your having a girl as you dont look like your carrying round the back. Cant wait to hear once you have had the baby whether its a boy or girl.

I still think it looks like a girl bump Hayley, I am very excited to find out!

But still a lovely bump, I dont know why you moan about your weight you look lovely xxxx
thanks girls... most people i know think its going to be a boy because DH has 3 sons already.. (first wife) the only people who think i might be having a girl are my family and you lot... fingers crossed your all right... feel horrible saying that! if i have a biy i'll love it just the same.. but if i had to pick i'd pick a girl...

bump has dropped even more since i took that picture on sunday... can't believe how low i am - was anyone else carrying low a this stage? bump has never been under my ribs infact i can feel all my ribs...


Great bump pic-you look great!!!

I agree with the others, your bump has dropped alot......i'm betting on a girl too!!!

Amy xx
lovely bumps girls all looking beautifull can't believe i'm saying this but i miss mine. :?

good luck evry1

You're bumps are lovely!! I want a 39 week bump, never had one :lol: Didn't think I'd say this but I can't wait to get hugely fat again :lol:
lovely bump amy.... do u have any stretch marks? xxx
lovely bump Amy... still realy neat - how are you feeling at 39 weeks? nearly all over for you...

muminseptember - your bump is growing just nice.

wow look at the change of when he dropped into engaged!!!



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