nice pictures... still slim prickleyfairy!!! keeley i promise to post soon wit some more pics of my growing bump! ment to to do it tonight nite but left my camera at work.... i feel huge! grown lots in the last 2 weeks. Did you 2 feel you had a growth spurt around 26-27
keely just noticed your in the ast 10 weeks - the count down!!!! are you almost ready?
I had a dream i went to see a private doc and asked if he could do me a C section as i wanted the baby out now! I'm dreaming every nite about the baby... really looking forward to seeing him/her! i'm the most impatient person in the world and it's killing me....
lovely bump hayley... and you still look slim... looks like your carrying high! your bump seems quite high in your piccies... what do they say about carrying high????? i think it's a girl for high and a boy for low...
thanks hayley yeh i havent put too much weight on everywhere else, im in normal size 10/12 clothes! i dont have any maternity clothes yet as i cant find anything nice over here!!
yeh im carrying really high, hes right under my ribs which is so uncomfortable!! i was carrying quite low until a few weeks ago, he jus decided he wanted 2 be in my ribs!! lol im having a boy so i dont no about that lol it could be the other way around??
hayley xx
hope your right - if your carrying high and you know your having a boy... and i'm carrying low - could mean i'm having a girl!!!! which we'e secretly hoping for...
aww i really hope you get the little girl you're secretly hoping 4!! yep im defo having a boy... unless they have it wrong and the 2 pictures they gave me of his boy parts are something else lol xx
my mum says that all the time!! she thinks that from the back you cant even tell im pregnant, then i turn around & it looks like ive got a football up my top lol
thats what everyone says to me too! ... so from behind we must just look like people that have sh*t themselves with the waddle, then when we turn they are like ohhhh she is pregnant!! haha xxx
i've been told i look the same from the back.. but i was looking in a mirror the other day! my arse was never that big before i was pregnant! so i don't know if its a compliment...
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