im in a huff i got a really weird bump looks more like an alien sometimes im not joking and worst of all my belly button looks like a 3rd nipple my oh said
im still trying to get pics up but it keeps telling me they are to big
no idea how to get them smaller feel like everything is against me even the flipping
Keep em on there toes!!! my oh turned around n said to me on the phone the other day .. "why you getting so confused?? the day i fertalized you i doubled you IQ"
Cheeky bugger ... can't wait till he comes home on the 22nd, just so i can black his eye for him the sod!!
what are they like i'll tell ya the things we go through for them if only they could just experience pregnancy just once we would end up extinct cos they wouldnt do it ever
HAHAHA they couldn't even have a period without thinking there dying!!! they can't even cope with plucking or waxing!!
And as for them actually going through child birth?? they pass out just watching us lol can you imagin them actually trying to give birth?? first contraction and they would be out cold!! (Or screaming for an epidural lol)
lmao i can just imagine mine going through it oh my god it would be so funny just to see him in so much gawd im evil.
i cant wait this time to give birth he went in a huff after i had adele cos i told him to get his face out the way i couldnt breath, he was trying to kiss and i snapped at him ooooooooooooh hes in for a shock this time as this baby is twice the size or more than adele was its going to hurt alot more too hehehehehe oh i cant wait you will all hear me screaming at
well you never know hun with adele my waters broke at 26 weeks, 29 weeks i went into labour i felt as though i needed a pooh the whole day so i kept goping to teh toilet but nothing. I didnt even stop and think that i was in labour. Anyway 1 am came and i sat up in bed and just looked at the clock and i was getting the same cramp feeling every 5 mins so i woke the OH up and we got to the hospital at 1.15 am with cid police following us as he was driving so fast but as they saw us going into hospital they just drove on. I got examined and tehy said i wasnt dilating so he went home at 2.30. They then called him at 6am and told him i was 10 cm dilated and adele was born at 9.53 but i do remember the really bad pains were from 7.40 till she was born and thast how long i think i was pushing for but not 100% sure. She did only weigh 2lbs 10oz so i know this birth will be alot tougher as baby is 6lbs so far im guessing.
Am not listening because i shall NOT be having pain because i will knock myself out (Not very good with the whole pain thing)
And i have AGES yet, so im not even going to think about it ... Trying to figure if i can have this baby whilst asleep lol ... let me know if u have any ideas lol
ermmmmmmm * these 2 brain sells are burning ut here* lmao
well i only had gas n air with adele soooooo im definatley going for the mobile epidural this time i think, i did have pethadine though the last time i was took in with first stage of labour and that sent me off to sleep dunno if i was just tired or not or they gave me something else but when i woke up the contractions had gone so im guessing they gave me something else
lindsey your bump is so perfect - perfectly round!!! hoping i get a nice round one!
all the bumps are lovely!
imi taking about men in labour!!! it's bad enough when DH can't go the loo.... i'm sure if you could get a home epididural he'd have one evry time he paid a visit to the little boys room! (wonder why they call it the LITTLE BOYS room)
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