3rd degree tear with first, 2nd baby ??


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2013
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Wasnt sure where to post this....

I know this is really early to even be thinking about next baby (my lo isnt 3wks yet!)... And wouldnt have even been on my radar if it werent for mw saying my follow up appt at 10-12włs at hospital (following 3rd degree tear and surgery) that theyd talk about subsequent pregnancies/deliveries at that appt. basically she mentioned that theres a chance i wouldnt be able to deliver vaginally next time as they wouldnt want to risk tearing same place as thatd càuse longterm, possibly unrepairable muscle damage and permanent anal incontinence.

With the memory and trauma of first time (long drawn out final stage, managed naturally in water birth with just g&a) which resulted in tear as baby was an unexpected 9lbs and head delivered quick - resulting in tear. I guess the idea of a csection next time i not so bad. The recovery from tear (mentally and physically has been a lot more difficult than i imagined) so a planned surgical cut (csection) without the memory of that final very painful stage, migjt be the way forward. I desperately wanted a natural birth avoiding epidural which i got, til the surgery to fix tear (epidural style spinal block!)...

2nd babies are often bigger too - so... Maybe...

Anyone else share experience of 2nd baby deliveries after a 3rd degree tear first time...
Thanks x
My first tore me to shreds, second just a small tear and third none at all. You get more "loose" down there after one, lol! Mine have also got progressively bigger, from 7lbs to 9lbs.

Perhaps if you are worried, then an episiotomy is a less drastic option than a csection?
Hi hun I only had a second degree tear but my mum when she delivered my sister baby number 1 tore way off the charts back to front she only had the one hole. She had 174 stitches to separate it back into the 2 as is should be. She had 5 more children after with 4 being home delivery only me delivered in hospital as she had a shock induced labour. It's do able :)
Hey, have you heard about using evening primrose oil? Apparently applying it on your perineum can work wonders!! I wish I done so before having my litlun, I suffered very bad after a very quick labour.

Next time round, I'll be applying it by the boat load down there, hopefully I'll find a non fishy version though :') (was the reason I wussed out last time) xx
Hi sweetie. I remember you from before as we had our babies around the same time and had the same sort of experience! I'm due in two weeks and have only now just made my decision. Your chances of having a similar experience are only 10% and there have been other factors affecting my decision, but I recently posted in another forum about it if you wanted to read :

And read my posts in this one too as it explains a bit more if you're interested!

Good luck xx
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Hey, have you heard about using evening primrose oil? Apparently applying it on your perineum can work wonders!! I wish I done so before having my litlun, I suffered very bad after a very quick labour.

Next time round, I'll be applying it by the boat load down there, hopefully I'll find a non fishy version though :') (was the reason I wussed out last time) xx

I did this religiously for months, orally and internally and even used an epi no trainer in preparation (Google it, looks hideous!!) But sadly ended up with third degree and an episiotomy anyway but I definitely agree with you that anything is worth a shot and am sure it works wonders for others, think I just wasn't built right vaginally to get a baby out!! :) I think it's mostly luck, but anything is worth a bash!!

Ps. Epo isn't fishy?! Though you're probably joking. I can never tell in posts!! :) xxx
My friend had a 3rd degree - son born with elbow up! Delivered her little girl 2 years later and got a 2nd degree

Her 3rd degree was BAD literally she was in theatre for nearly 2 hours and nearly tore through to her bum hole - was only a tiny fraction off

How the tear heels I'm sure will effect next birth but right now concentrate on the baby you have and get yourself better :)
Hey, have you heard about using evening primrose oil? Apparently applying it on your perineum can work wonders!! I wish I done so before having my litlun, I suffered very bad after a very quick labour.

Next time round, I'll be applying it by the boat load down there, hopefully I'll find a non fishy version though :') (was the reason I wussed out last time) xx

I did this religiously for months, orally and internally and even used an epi no trainer in preparation (Google it, looks hideous!!) But sadly ended up with third degree and an episiotomy anyway but I definitely agree with you that anything is worth a shot and am sure it works wonders for others, think I just wasn't built right vaginally to get a baby out!! :) I think it's mostly luck, but anything is worth a bash!!

Ps. Epo isn't fishy?! Though you're probably joking. I can never tell in posts!! :) xxx

Haha, my sister was the one to recommend this to me- so ordered some from ebay and the capsules smelt fishy. Hence why I assumed they all did. My sister was adamant they weren't too, but had my other half to back me up when I shoved one under his nose and he pulled away in disgust.
Was probably using cod liver oil capsules all along... ;) xx

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