38.3 weeks


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Hi, just thought I would pop on and say hi; I am wondering how many curries, how much sex and how much Raspberry leaf tea you should have to encourgage Labour. I am also on the pineapple as bowel movement is thought to bring on labour.. alternatively Caster Oil.. yuk!!

Seems to be a long wait.. !!

Hope everyone is well
I think they say 2 cups of RLT up until full term but after that I'm not sure if there is a limit? I've been having 3 or 4 :) Don't think there's a limit on the currys and sex lol :p

I'm gonna have my first pineapple tonight :lol: I heard you have to eat 7 for it to work?? :shock: xxx
I think they say 2 cups of RLT up until full term but after that I'm not sure if there is a limit? I've been having 3 or 4 :) Don't think there's a limit on the currys and sex lol :p

I'm gonna have my first pineapple tonight :lol: I heard you have to eat 7 for it to work?? :shock: xxx

How many???? I am getting through the tinned pineapple chunks like no tomorrow... I am managing a couple of tins a day for the last two days, but get so full up.. lol..

7.. is a lot at once eh.. :oooo:
I made my own juice... Put 2 whole pineapples in - including the core and blended it, lol :) has done nothing - not even changed my bowels :(
I've heard good things about castor oil, I know a couple of people it's brought on labour for, unless it was complete coincidence. Hope you're not hanging around too much longer! xx
I've heard castor oil can do it BUT I've heard it can also cause baby to pooh and get distressed , i'd look it up and research it before trying it :hugs: wouldnt want you to cause any harm . As for pineapple i've hearfd it is the enzyme in fresh pineapple that encourges labour , so tinned stuff or juices wont work and it would need to be ALOT of pineapple . RLT as far as I know just streghtens the uterus and can make contractions stronger if your having any .
I think they say 2 cups of RLT up until full term but after that I'm not sure if there is a limit? I've been having 3 or 4 :) Don't think there's a limit on the currys and sex lol :p

I'm gonna have my first pineapple tonight :lol: I heard you have to eat 7 for it to work?? :shock: xxx

How many???? I am getting through the tinned pineapple chunks like no tomorrow... I am managing a couple of tins a day for the last two days, but get so full up.. lol..

7.. is a lot at once eh.. :oooo:

Tinned pineapple won't work n it has to be fresh but it's only the middle white bit that's hard n tasted shit that's the bit that has the enzymes in that might make it work! n u av to eat about 10 a day hahaha

Only know coz a few month bk there was a thread on it x x x
Yeah, I heard it was chewing on the core only....
How many???? I am getting through the tinned pineapple chunks like no tomorrow... I am managing a couple of tins a day for the last two days, but get so full up.. lol..

7.. is a lot at once eh.. :oooo:

Haha I know, god knows who would manage 7!! I've only had one so far and it made me feel sick.. think I'm gonna give the pineapple a miss :lol: xxx
All that happens to me from eating too much pineapple or a spicy curry i s an upset tummy . I doubt I'll even bother :(
Oh I did not know it was the core, bugger.. am not even a huge fan of pineapple!!!

I think I will just wait then... my MW did mention caster oil, but I think I will seriously vomit everywhere.. the idea of it makes me feel sick... ho hum.. xx
At our classes the teacher said the pineapple thingy was a bit of a myth and you would need to eat about 27 in a go!!!!!!!!!
I reckon if you ate all that then it would be the weight of it all sitting ontop of baby that brought on labour and pushed baby out rather than anything in the enzymes!!!
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i have heard castor oil works to but they would not aolw u to buy it if they knew reason for it so would need get someone else get for u a bought it wth me first but when put glass to me mouth a spewed its like oil me friend used it with her twins they were born that day dont know if was just 1 them things though x
Did your MW suggest using castor oil hun? My MW said she won't be happy with me of I do :shock: lol.. Didn't think they recommended it xxx
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They dont it can be really dangerous(at least from what I have read) , and tbh if they are refusing to sell it to you then they are doing it for a reason . Like I said look it up , but it seems to cause an upset tummy and can cause your baby to pooh before its even born . From what I have read thats one thing I wouldnt risk trying and if you want to try it I would ask a doctor or a midwife and not a friend .
After taking Castor Oil, the diarrhea is inevitable but it is usually over by the time you go into labor. One of the very possible side effects is that the severe diarrhea and cramping caused by Castor Oil could dehydrate you. This could be a serious problem, especially if you are delivering in a hospital where mothers are not allowed to drink fluids during labor. The mother’s dehydration may be associated with a higher risk of the baby passing meconium -- his or her first stool -- into the amniotic fluid. If the baby inhales meconium-stained fluid before or during the birth, it can cause severe illness for the baby.
Moreover, dehydration makes you tired and less able to endure physical activity. If you are suffering from dehydration, this means that your uterus is dehydrated as well. Dehydration aggravates the uterus, which in turn causes more pain for the mother. This might make you less able to handle natural childbirth, and puts you at increased risk for medical interventions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/461438
My MW mentioned caster oil, but it was a passing comment I think!! Not sure she would encourage me to buy some... I don't think anything will bring Labour on.. Grrrrr... xx
I've never heard the caster oil thing

I've bought some rlt and been having a cup or two each day, who knows if it will actually help lol
Other than that I'm not doing anything at the mo

Mw said curry is pointless lol but said sex is a very good idea......so may give that a go :)
I've never heard the caster oil thing

I've bought some rlt and been having a cup or two each day, who knows if it will actually help lol
Other than that I'm not doing anything at the mo

Mw said curry is pointless lol but said sex is a very good idea......so may give that a go :)

Caster Oil is an older thingy.. in the old days they used to give Enyma's with hot water, can you imagine the pain... Caster oil is not recommended, though once it would have been.. how things change with the times. Don't fancy an Enyma though.. eek..

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