34 weeks and the baby is breech!!!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
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Does anyone have any tips on how to turn a breech baby coz if shes still that way in 2 weeks ill have to go to hospital and they will try it manually iv seen the procedure done on tv and it looks awful so want to try and aviod that if possible!!! hope the little maddam moves im really worried now I dont want a c-section at all!!!
My baby turned about a week or so ago - he has been breech and back to back! I thought they would give it until at least 37 weeks for baby to turn? As most turn later on!

Having time on all fours every day is supposed to help and using a birthing ball x
I read on internet that laying with you bum in the air might help lol ill try that and invest in a birthing ball then thanks xxx Gives me some hope that your baby turned then did you need to go to hospital for them to do it or anything? x
No - i would have done if he didnt turn when he did though so dont worry youve got time yet! x
I read that If its not your first then it may not turn until your almost in labour. not sure if that is accurate or not though.
Hey, I am in same position chick.. have to have scan next week... xx
I'm 29 weeks tomorrow and pretty sure that baby is still breech as all movement is still really low down. Todayt oddly I have had some 'flutters' higher up but am sure thats just a wee hand moving around. I have a scan on Thur so will be interesting to see if he/she has moved....

I'm am not at all keen on idea of a scan either....
Bless u I swear my little one Is still breach but had my docs check today and age us sure he has turned!! I think it's a waiting game but wish u luck and if u find an answer please share :) xx
i saw a thing on Portland Babies a couple of years ago where they used something called "Moxibustion" which is similar to accupuncture / chinese herbal medecine etc. they burn some sort of inscence stick near your toe!

It worked for the lady on Portland Babies!

Also some people recomend seeing a chiropractor or osteopath to use something called The Webster Technique which helps the ligaments soften and pelis open.

As with any kind of treatment though if you were to give it a go do your research into the practitioner you use and make sure you find one of the best even if you pay a bit more for it.
Thanks girls im gona try the laying down with my bum stuck up in the air first ;)....nice thought for you all!!! then i may try the accupucnture thing theres a place close by that does it a few ppl i know have had it for various different things so worth a go! also heard if you put a torch at the bottom of your belly that can work and also an ice pack on the top of your bump!! dont know if any of it will do any good but deffo worth a try as the thought of someone physically turning my baby with there hands make me want to puke!! I hate been touched! x

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