34 week check up *opps*


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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I had my 34 week check up with the midwife this morning and now im starting to panic :shock:

I explained to her about the tiny tiny pinkish bleed I had last Sunday and the "spotting" I had a couple of days later and just wanted to confirm that I had nothing to panic about (which she agreed I dont) I also told her about the period pains ive been getting & the lower backache that ive had since then.

She asked me to get on the bed so she could check my tummy e.t.c and then said to me "well I can tell you now, your not having a small baby thats for sure, the baby's head is also engaged & sitting nicely in the pelvis" she then went on to tell me that by the feel of it the baby will be 9lb or more & said to make sure that my hospital bags are packed as the baby could well come early :shock:

Weird thing is....in my blue book she never noted in the box that the babys head is engaged, she just left it blank :think: but she did write in the notes that she checked my hospital bags are packed.

Has anyone heard of big babies coming early? Should I take what she says as gospel? I asked her what the babies health would be like if he was born now & she said he would definatly end up in special care. Ive heard that from 34 weeks babies tend to be born quite healthy?

Sorry for the long post.

T xx
It wasn't the case for me. My smaller baby was 6lb 11oz and she was a week early wheres my bigger babies, 8lb 11oz and 9lb 5oz were over due.
whe i had an antenatal appointment at 32 weeks with my doctor she said that i was definaitly gonna have a big baby and he was engaged. but i had a growth scan last week and he was just over 4 and a half pounds which is right on track so i dont think they can ever really tell but ive been worried cos i had some spotting last week and period pains and cramps for the last 4 days
I'm not sure, my M/W doesn't comment on the size of baby..but other girls have said on here that Midwives have told them they were going to have big babies and it didn't happen. If she was that concerned surely she would have sent you for a growth scan or something?
yeah i would have thought she would send you for a growth scan if she was worried.

its normal for heads to start engadging now if its your first.
Thanks for the replies ladies, think im just going to take what she's said with a pinch of salt. At the end of the day what will happen will happen :D
I've been told I'm having a big baby too, but I don't understand how they can tell really. He may just be really long.
i wouldnt go by what they say.. They told me when i was having my son that i was going to have a big baby .. he was 2 weeks early and weighed 5lb 51/2 oz..
Oliver was born 36+3 and he weighed 7lb 8oz he was fine apart from having jaundice...nothing a few days by the window didnt cure!!!!!!
Mine's never mentioned anything about the size/expected weight of the baby either and it's odd she never wrote that the head is engaged.

I'd not worry too much Tiggs! x
I was told James would be about 8lb, but he was born at 38 weeks 5lb 15oz, he was longer than average though
I had Jacob at 34 weeks and he was healthy. He spent 2 weeks in special care due to not having the suckling reflux so he couldn't feed himself and had to be fed through a tube in his nose. Once he cracked suckling (which I think they get at 36 weeks gestation??), he was allowed to come home. You will be fine hun but fingers crossed he stays in there a bit longer.
Thanks girls,

Im not to worried about it all as there is certainly no evidence to suggest what she is saying is true. Plus like some of you have said, if there was a concern I would have been sent off for a growth scan. I suppose when the MW was telling me this I did start to flap a bit but im ok now :D

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