Hello Ladies
Im sorry this is going to be a little bit of a rant.
Ive got myself into a really bad place with the whole baby thing that ive made the decision to switch of from it all until i start my IVF. Im fed up of everyone telling me it will happen with time and i have kind of accepted the fact i probably wont concieve naturally.
This cycle was sort of the last straw for me...we had a really good cycle and everything right, trying to give it a few really good tries before IVF as we have been told there is no reason why we cannot concieve naturally.
When AF arrived i was at work so had to smile through it and carry on with my day, including when 3 ladies who i work with who had thier babies at the start of June came in to visit with thier babies and came straight over to me with to give me a cuddle, im like the mummy in the office who doesnt have kids!! They said they were trying to make me broody as they just cant understand why im not pregnant yet!! erm...im trying!!!! i wanted to scream!!
I had a chat with my hubby and he told me that i have made my whole world about this baby and the baby is not even here yet! I need to try and find some contentment in the situation and look forward to whats to come instead of focusing my whole world on falling pregnant!
I know im starting IVF in Sept but the wait is killing me! Im trying to distract myself by keeping busy but were savig for a house so im trying to cut back on going out which means more nights in thinking.
I feel so down and im worried im crossing into a really really bad place so i need to just let it go! My plan of action to help me through is to stop trying! Literally Stop!! Stop the OPK's, Stop the tracking, the counting down and just live my life! That will take away the whole 2ww drama, the Am i ovulating lets pounce of the Hubby situation...... I know it will probably be easier said than done but i have to give it a try for my own sanity.
So i suppose my main question to you ladies is how do you cope with the waiting...i keep a journal, i have some relaxation CD's and i try to keep busy. Any other tips? Does anyone else get really emotional when thier Period comes or is that just me being dramatic? Im not gonna lie there are some months i have cried hysterically for ages!
Im seriously going insane!!!!
34 months of trying with no sucess has seriously taken its toll!!
Thanks for letting me rant it out ladies!!
Wishing you all the best of luck on your journeys xx
Im sorry this is going to be a little bit of a rant.
Ive got myself into a really bad place with the whole baby thing that ive made the decision to switch of from it all until i start my IVF. Im fed up of everyone telling me it will happen with time and i have kind of accepted the fact i probably wont concieve naturally.
This cycle was sort of the last straw for me...we had a really good cycle and everything right, trying to give it a few really good tries before IVF as we have been told there is no reason why we cannot concieve naturally.
When AF arrived i was at work so had to smile through it and carry on with my day, including when 3 ladies who i work with who had thier babies at the start of June came in to visit with thier babies and came straight over to me with to give me a cuddle, im like the mummy in the office who doesnt have kids!! They said they were trying to make me broody as they just cant understand why im not pregnant yet!! erm...im trying!!!! i wanted to scream!!
I had a chat with my hubby and he told me that i have made my whole world about this baby and the baby is not even here yet! I need to try and find some contentment in the situation and look forward to whats to come instead of focusing my whole world on falling pregnant!
I know im starting IVF in Sept but the wait is killing me! Im trying to distract myself by keeping busy but were savig for a house so im trying to cut back on going out which means more nights in thinking.
I feel so down and im worried im crossing into a really really bad place so i need to just let it go! My plan of action to help me through is to stop trying! Literally Stop!! Stop the OPK's, Stop the tracking, the counting down and just live my life! That will take away the whole 2ww drama, the Am i ovulating lets pounce of the Hubby situation...... I know it will probably be easier said than done but i have to give it a try for my own sanity.
So i suppose my main question to you ladies is how do you cope with the waiting...i keep a journal, i have some relaxation CD's and i try to keep busy. Any other tips? Does anyone else get really emotional when thier Period comes or is that just me being dramatic? Im not gonna lie there are some months i have cried hysterically for ages!
Im seriously going insane!!!!
34 months of trying with no sucess has seriously taken its toll!!
Thanks for letting me rant it out ladies!!
Wishing you all the best of luck on your journeys xx