33 weeks and lying low ??


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Sep 13, 2010
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Just wondering if i'm supposed to be lying quite low? I didn't notice it, but my mother has pointed it out the last few days. Is this normal?

Yesterday too, I was at my sister's for christmas dinner, and my urine looked kind of slight pink in the toilet and on the toilet tissue. I also had a wet patch on my pants but they were black so couldnt see if it had pink in it or not too, but the wet patch was prominant. I was also getting a few little niggles at the lower part of my bump during all this. Anyone any idea's, should I be worried ?

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Hi Marrine, when you say lying low, do you mean your bup might have dropped?
I will do that, but I thought perhaps it was a little later on tho. You may just be carriying low, my two boys , babies 1 and 2, were very low bumps, my last two a girl and my pregnancy now , a boy are bonth really quite high, so lots of trousers fit right underneath, so may not always happen, mines not moved yet.

Keep an eye on the pinky , I posted xmas eve too about blood and clotty bits , and the girls reackoned a show or a bit of it. it carried on yesterday and then got light pink , and has come and go since. Don't think anything else is happening, but will mention it on thursday at my pre op checkups
Hi Marrine, when you say lying low, do you mean your bup might have dropped?
I will do that, but I thought perhaps it was a little later on tho. You may just be carriying low, my two boys , babies 1 and 2, were very low bumps, my last two a girl and my pregnancy now , a boy are bonth really quite high, so lots of trousers fit right underneath, so may not always happen, mines not moved yet.

Keep an eye on the pinky , I posted xmas eve too about blood and clotty bits , and the girls reackoned a show or a bit of it. it carried on yesterday and then got light pink , and has come and go since. Don't think anything else is happening, but will mention it on thursday at my pre op checkups

Well from what my mum has pointed out, she say's it was looking like a normal bump, as in sitting quite high and then the next few days later she say's it's lying quite low. The pinky urine only happend that day with the niggles, I havent seen it since. I've been making sure I wear white pants just now just so I can see if anything goes on them but since that day I havent seen anything. I am currently unwell with what i'm hoping is just a stomach bug, as I've been having diorrhea for over a week but got worse today, was woken up a few times during the night with cramps and having to go to the toilet, same again today, can hardly keep off the toilet. Also, I feel I might have a urine infection but not sure. I phoned Nhs 24 and told them everything and they have made me an appointment to go see the doctor at the hospital, mainly because its been over a week with diorrhea and the pinky urine.

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Yeah think an appointment is a good idea, it is probably a urine infection or something, they are so annoying cos you don't always know you got one!
As for bump, my midwife says it not even worth commenting on whether it's high or low, as people carry differently. Everyone says "your bump has quite a way to drop" but midwife thinks differently! Pretty annoying really all the comments! Xxx
With regards to lying low, that's nothing to worry about. I'm at the same stage as you and had a scan a few days ago. Baby is in position already! But not yet "engaged". So your baby might just be head down now.

I had a nasty bug about a month ago too but everything is fine, keep drinking loads and loads of water. Hope you get some reassurance about the pink urine too x
Ok, That's reassuring about bump lol. My OH kept saying everyone carries differently. My mum doesnt mean anything by her comment's, tbh, I think she's just desperate to have a grandchild and hoping by looking like i'm lying low that it could be soon lol xx

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Well I went out to the hospital to the on call doctor bit .... all I can say is UNBELIEVEABLE !!!

The place had 10 seat's, and it was crammed with people. We went in and managed to get a seat. There was children in too. Now this is no word of a lie, they were already running an hour and 40 minutes late with 3 doctors on and they had more and more people coming in every minute. The tiny room was crammed full with people and the corridor, I mean people who were sitting fighting to hold sickness in, full of the flu (maybe swine flu...who knows). Myself and my partner sat for about 10 minutes and then we both decided for our babies sake, we are not sitting in here any longer. I mean I had a woman sitting next to me saying she has a 5 week old baby at home and she has already had the swine flu twice (truth or not, i dont know) and asking me when i'm due and saying have you had the jag and i said yes, she says yeah just because u have had the jag doesnt mean you wont get it !!!

I was sitting with the look of horror on my face at the fact she was being so bloody ignorant and knowing by my facial expression that she had got me worried as I was sitting in amongst people who shouldnt have been out there house (doctor should have been to there houses) !! My OH had to bite his tongue, he was ready for telling her to shut her mouth, but not in a polite way as he could see the worry set in by my face!!

So I will just need to see how the next few day's go with the upset tummy , etc and go from there cos we werent risking our baby being stuck like sardines in amongst all those sick people!! Was disgracefull x

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