low lying bump?


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2007
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Hi all, hope you and bumps are well? This is my first 3rd tri post, and i supose i am having bad week, worrying and feeling a bit down. sorry i couldnt be here on better form :( but that is the joy of being preggy...probably feel brill tomorrow :rotfl:

Anyways, I seem to have a low bump. i feel the kicks low down on the left all the time, and very occasionally i get movement on the right hand side, but nt much. also i wouldnt say i feel a lot of kicks. some in the morn, sometimes in aft, and always between 11 and midnight when bubs goes mad. is this normal? And Im stil feeling a LOT of movement on mybladder. also, i thought by now my bump would be higher?

anyone else got a low lying bump and not getting much kicking? put my mind at rest pleesee!!

take care :hug:
Hi, I have a really low lying bump, to the point where it always feels like I need to wee, and its very uncomfortable. I have trouble walking some days and literally have to stop in the street to lift my bump up to releive the uncomfortableness.

I get a lot of low down kicks, and more so on the left. It feels a lot like really strong bubbling sometimes and seems like baby suffers with a lot of hiccups!

I shouldnt worry too much, as long as you feel kicks, thats the main thing!!!
My bump isn't too low but I only get movements on the right hand side as thats where the baby is lying - have u asked your midwife the position of the baby?
Aww thanks for that, feeling a bit better now. hoping there is still time for it to grow up a bit, lol

yeah,feeling kicking. only seen my bump actually turn once, and that was freaky.

i suppose im just having the worst week ever, and will stop worrying soon.

just wondering, have you got diastasis, muscle separation in your abdomen?
I think i've got a low bump but she's moving around everywhere now, i've only been feeling kicks above my belly button for a couple of weeks though so not sure if thise is due to her being low, maybe its all in my head lol, at leas t i know she hasnt found my ribs yet!!!
My bump has never been high and round. Always middling to low and always feeling like I need to wee (and usually doing so).

I have always had lots of kicking though, going back to when I was first able to really feel them. But LO is only active for at most a couple of hours at a time, usually in the evening, and at other times on and off. Sometimes I don't notice movement for hours at a time. Not even a ripple.

I'd not worry overly as some babies seem to move more than others. Also depending on where your placenta is, you may not be feeling all the movements.
skimpy said:
Aww thanks for that, feeling a bit better now. hoping there is still time for it to grow up a bit, lol

yeah,feeling kicking. only seen my bump actually turn once, and that was freaky.

i suppose im just having the worst week ever, and will stop worrying soon.

just wondering, have you got diastasis, muscle separation in your abdomen?

Dont think so, without sounding dumb, Im not really sure what you mean :? :D

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