30 week apointment...


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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Well, we booked three weeks ago and didnt realize OH would be working today so i had to call my friend this morning to take me bless her... well, we got there and weighed myself, im now 140lbs :D iv put on 50lbs which is a nice gain for my weeks. iv also been craving ice so she said i have to take some iron pills :( but good news, baby measured 28 weeks which made me really happy as she was a little on the small size last month, this month my uterus has grown 3cm in 3 weeks :D perfect! i had a little bit of a let down though the home birthing pool has four women listed for december so theres quite a fat chance i wont get it as there is three infront of me :( although my middy recons i wont reach my EDD as baby is head down and ready for action already. iv been having alot of BHs and had my show three times already so she says that my body might be telling me to expect her a few weeks early. shes very active and her heart rate was at 160! she was checking her position and baby got cheeky and kicked her foot right out my side haha! i also got some good news that i wont have to have the diabetes test, i have no risk factors or any kind of symptoms so shes not going to do it unless baby has a big growth spurt :cheer: how are you all feeling girls? are you exited for everything to come? :) Now i see my mw every TWO weeks how exiting!
Glad your appointment went well :hug: :hug: Sounds like your doing really well with your growth too :)
Because your M/W thinks you will pop early I think we should all try and guess when you will give birth and see whos right!
I'm gonna say 37 weeks!
aww thanks darling :hug: yeah im thinking 36-37weeks i hope i make it to 37 atleast though!

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