3 miscarriages in a row


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2012
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I've had 3 miscarriages in a row in the last 18 months, first pregnancy I had spotting went for my 12 week scan and there was nothing there stopped growing at 6 weeks, got pregnant again 2 months later and had heavy bleeding went for a scan and seen a heart beat at 6 weeks was told had bruising under the sac hence the heavy bleed but it would rectify itself, went for a private scan at 9 weeks for reassurance and nothing was there miscarried at 6 weeks again, decided to leave it for abit to let my body rest as I was planning my wedding, got pregnant within a month of trying, everything was great no bleeding had more signs this time than the other 2 went for private scan again at 8 weeks and it shown to be about 6 weeks they told me to go back in 2 weeks to see if its grown as I might of got my dates wrong, went back and it was still measuring at 6 weeks no heartbeat if anything it went smaller. There's seems to be something stopping it get past 6 weeks had all tests done, blood clotting, progesterone chromosome hormone levels, antibodies and they are all normal. At a complete loss as to what could be wrong. Can't go through a 4th loss


Im really sorry you have had to go through this honey! In terms of advice I have only had one mc but Im sure your entitled to lots of tests if you have had 3 mc so make sure you get them all and that you are well taken care of!!! Big hug! Xxx
Thank you, I've had all the tests I can have and they have all come back normal :-/ can't see it been just bad luck as they are all happening at 6 weeks x
Hey sweet so sorry to see this but keep faith there is a lady in tri3 who has also had 3 miscarriages and she is in labour xx you will get your baby darling

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Hope so, scared to get pregnant again Incase it happens again. Xx
I can sure why hun sometimes it's just cruel isn't it xx massive hugs

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
Realy sorry for ur losses I'm in the same boat although I have kids already but seems now I can't seem to hold onto a pregnancy for some reasons nd I've lst 3 in 18 months aswel been to docs but they won't do any tests for me even tho I was told at EPu they would after 3rd one :-( doctor now tells me I need 4 and at 40 my time is ticking louder and louder each week, have they not offered to give u progesterone wen u get next bfp just to try it cos although ur progesterone maybe ok on day 21 does it continue to rise while ur pregnant? Did they test u while pregnant to see how high it was? Xx
Im sorry for your losses hun. I've had 11 miscarriages and am now 27 weeks pregnant so it can happen.

I know you've had all the tests etc... Have you had scans on your womb to check for septums/scarring etc?

Even though there was a reason for my miscarriages it took a year to get it identified and I still remember that horrible feeling of wanting to know what I needed to do to get a sticky bean. Some women find taking a low dose aspirin helps. I've also tried royal jelly and high dose folic acid. Doctors on the nhs won't prescribe progesterone, you have to go private for it.

Good luck hun I really wish you all the best xxx
Wow 11 miscarriages, that must be heartbreaking I know how hard it's been after 3. They won't give me progesterone they have give me baby aspirin but It seems to be taking me longer to conceive this time not sure if the aspirin has something to do with it, so ice stopped until I get pregnant then start it, I've had scans and they have said both my ovaries look perfect, my uterus is tilted back slightly and a heart shape but said that wont affect it??

They never tested me while pregnant to check my levels to be honest I got the feeling like they weren't bothered and why should I be treated any different because I've had previous miscarriages, they wouldn't scan me early I had to pay for private scans to find I've lost them xx
Hey, just saw your post and I am in the same boat too, I've had four miscarriages and I can't seem to get past six weeks. I've been to the recurrant miscarriage clinic where they did an ultrasound and did some blood tests. I am due back next week for more blood tests and get my results in January. I really don't know why this keeps happening I am at a total loss.. The only thing I can think is that I had one shot of the depo injection in sept 2010 and ever since then I have had all sorts of problems.. Im pretty sure I was fine before that so I'm really hoping its a hormone problem that can be fixed. I've literally googled everything about early miscarriages.. Been driving myself crazy. Have you been tested for thyroid problems? Also have you heard of natural killer cells? It's rare but you never know. I am also rh negative blood I thought that might have been the problem but the doctors don't seem to think so but they haven't done any tests re this yet.
I've been the same, read that many things on the Internet driving myself crazy, thyroids been tested few times everything fine, I think the killer cells are to do with the antibodies and I've had that test and everything fine, doctors just say its bad luck, once or twice yes I'd say bad luck but after that it can't be. Makes you feel useless as a women. I read that a women had exactly the same kept losing them at 6 weeks and she got tested and her antibodies were thinking the baby was a foreign body so it would dispose of it so they gave her steroid inj to shut her immune system down and it worked but doctors have said my antibodies are fine. I'm waiting to go to Liverpool womens hospital now who are specialists in it.

Good luck to you hope you get some answers aswell, everyone says to me it's good everything ok which it is but you just want an answer so you can say ok it's that let's sort it and then it will be fine xx
And Jojo, that's crazy. Once you have three miscarriages you should definitely be referred to a recurrant miscarriage clinic for testing. I had to have three before they would see me but there's no reason why your doctor shouldn't refer you now. I got a refferal through my doctors to st Mary's after my third one but during my fourth one I was kept in lister hospital and they also referred me directly to a recurrant miscarriage clinic without going through my gp. I would go back and speak to doctor about this. I know how frustrating it is. Everytime I got pregnant I knew I would lose it because there's something clearly wrong with me but I had to keep getting pregnant in order to have yet another miscarriage until they would test me. It's such a stupid system.. I'm just hoping they find something from my tests otherwise I will still be none the wiser :-( good luck hun xxx
The system is disgusting your just a number to them they don't care, you shouldn't have to wait 12 weeks for a scan, it's the most important time and your just left, that's why I went for private scans as I couldn't wait 12 weeks, so in a way glad I did as I found out sooner and got d&c sorted quicker instead of waiting. You should be tested after the 2nd miscarriage.

I know it's common but the amount of women who are having them lately. We should get more support xx
I know everyone says that to me as well but I personally would rather find something wrong so it can be fixed. If everything just comes back normal then I really don't know where to go from there.. I just feel like the doctors don't really care that much. I know natural killer cells the docs over here don't test for. I think it has to be done privately and paid for. I know the immune disorders fight a pregnancy like its a foreign object and can cause miscarriage and sometimes rhesus negative blood can act in the same way. If the mothers blood is negative and the dads positive the foetus will most likely be positive and it fights against it but the docs won't give me the injection I need until later on in the pregnancy and they don't think it's related to my miscarriages. I bought a book on recurrant miscarriages written by proffessor regan at st Mary's and it does sound like a lot of problems can be fixed. It's just finding out what it is I guess. It's sooooooo frustrating. I'll let you know if I come up with any other ideas for you. I'm still awaiting tests results do fingers crossed xx
I'm so sorry you have gone through this I had a missed miscarriage an ectopic and a mc, I then went for testing with my husband and everything came back normal with no reason as to why it kept happening to us. After our 3 angels we finally got our rainbow baby who is now 14weeks old, please don't lose faith x x
Thank you, hopefully next time everything will be fine, just so heartbreaking going through it all the time xx
Hi Lisa,

So sorry to hear about your losses.

I had 3 miscarriages last year hun, it was an awful time for me and my OH.

We never made it past 6 weeks either (well I did get to 8 weeks BUT all the spotting and stuff had started at 6 weeks)

Our tests also came back to show there was no reason???

My 4th BFP was born just 4 days ago.

I know the hardest thing in the world is to carry on trying when you are so scared you are going to suffer another heartache.

When you do get your BFP go back to your recurrent miscarriage clinic (or the place where you had your tests!! or even the EPU) and get them to prescribe you high dose folic acid. Some women also swear by baby asprin although I never used that! I found taking each day at a time and trying to remain calm the best way forward.

Miracles can and do happen my dear and one day it will happen for you

I know hunny, you feel like its never going to happen for you and that it is unfair (followed by the commonly thought why is it some 15yr old kid with no way of caring for a child has no problems at all) I felt like this for so long, I hope that like me you have a successful and happy pregnancy next time, I'm always about if you need someone to talk to x x
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I know this thread is old but I see your expecting again. Congratulations. I am also nearly 17 weeks pregnant and everything is fine this time. The recurrant miscarriage clinic didn't come up with anything but I started taking clexane and so far so good. I must have concieved two days after writing the last post to you :) I hope everything is going well for you this time xx

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