3+6 scan

Lulla Bell

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
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Who's had a scan this early before? Was anything seen ?
They might be able to see the start of the gestation sac but im not sure if that's to early, I know when I was 5 weeks they only saw the sac and it measured 3mm nothing in it as it was too early but every one is different xx
She did say 4-5 weeks they would see something, Im only 13dpo today... Im just in limbo, been having faint tests for days!
Grrrr, Why are or bodies so rubbish haha
You had really good lines on your Superdrug tests with smu what's made you panic Hun? Did they tell you your hcg levels? I hope this is a sticky bean for you xx
all my tests are now super faint, Still there, but no where near as strong, I think they're getting darker but I'm not sure as I haven't been using the same test. They did my bloods but I'm back in on Wednesday to do them again, they will give me the results then x
I'd phone them up later and ask for results, I phoned up a few hours after mine was done and they told me mine just to give me peace of mind as the not knowing was really stressing me out xx
Okay, I may do that then, I don't know what They should be at 13dpo.
Ill have to have a google first. Thankyou x
It's usually considered that a level of 1500 for hCG on your bloods is needed to be able to see anything on ultrasound, and those levels usually double every 48hours in a healthy pregnancy.

I would definitely ring up though if you're very anxious. Once the test arrives at the lab it only takes about 2-3 hours for a result usually.

Hope you get the result you're after hun x

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