CD 6 transitional ferning and temp dip


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Isn't cd 6 a bit too early to start seeing ferning on opk and a temp dip to 96.8 from 97.33? I am waiting for my opks to come via mail to check for LH surge. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this so early after AF? I am usually around 29-31 day cycle and had an unusual 36 day cycle last round. Any thoughts ladies?
As far as I know (just from reading peoples replies on here) some ppl do get their peaks as early as CD6 but usually only if there cycle is short... having a cycle day of 31+ days would be make is extremely rare to ovulated that early on.. xx
Thanks hun. I am wondering if maybe I am not O yet just maybe getting close. Ferning isn't in full effect right now so I think a couple days from now at earliest. I just can't imagine my luteal phase being longer than 16 days.
yeah.. my cycle length is around the same time as yours & I usually OV around CD19 x
dont look at the variances in temperatures on a day to day basis, they arent relevent - its the overall cycle thats important. sorry cant advise on the ferning.
yeah thats a very good point , mine goes up and down everyday but when I look at it as a whole it makes much more sense (I've just posted updated version of my charted BBT in my journal, feel free to take a look see if it helps you make sense of yours) xx
Thanks ladies. I will definitely check your journal janine. :)
yeah thats a very good point , mine goes up and down everyday but when I look at it as a whole it makes much more sense (I've just posted updated version of my charted BBT in my journal, feel free to take a look see if it helps you make sense of yours) xx

Silly question but how do I find your journal?
Theres a TTC Journal section (its the 7th section down, after, "trying to concieve", "Am I pregnant?" etc) on the main page... then scroll down until you see a journal called "Janinesboutiqu TTC Journal :)"

Or for a quicker route, I'm hoping the link below may take you straight there, then go to the last page :) xx

Janinesboutiqu TTC Journal :) (
1 2 3 4)
Thanks hun! I saw it. When I get home later I will try to add mine as I can't do it from my phone. Xx
BTW, ferning is completely gone today. I'm still getting used to this way of tracking OV. I will keep updating on this. I'm gonna try SMEP this month. :)
I'm definitely doing smep next cycle (if unsuccessful on this one which looks like I may be) x
Oh I Hope so for you!!! Xx
I have my pap appt with my gyn today. I just hate paps. Who doesn't? Lol.

The past couple cycles my bbs haven't been nearly as sore as usual before AF. I might ask about that when I go in.

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