2ww... Feeling positive!!!

Teri Lambie

Well-Known Member
May 5, 2011
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Anyone else starting their 2ww tomorrow (11th July) or nearabouts?? Feeling quite positive so fingers crossed. Looked at www.twoweekwait.com which is sooo informative. Be nice to chat to anyone waiting impatiently like me... :) xxx
I'm about 6 days ahead of you but good luck in the 2ww!! I have also been checking out that website to keep me going... first half of the wait is so boring!! :D

Good luck :clover:
I should be starting 2ww tomorrow-ish. Had smiley faces on OPK yesterday and Saturday and no smiley face today. Hate this 2ww. Always try not to symptom spot but def easier said than done!!

Good luck to everyone. :dust::dust::dust:

My 2ww starts today or tomorrow!

Hope it's a bfp otherwise thats it, no more ttc till nxt june!

FX girls!

Anyone else starting their 2ww tomorrow (11th July) or nearabouts?? Feeling quite positive so fingers crossed. Looked at www.twoweekwait.com which is sooo informative. Be nice to chat to anyone waiting impatiently like me... :) xxx

Hiya, I have 11 days til testing so am almost the same as you. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out. I'm feeling positive just about the fact that I had no line on an OPK this evening...I think I detected my surge and ovulation and we made sure we BD'd Fri/Sat/Sun...you'll have to help me hold out on testing!

Hi, I will do my best to keep you from testing but it's a bit like the blind leading the blind!! Tee hee. I have never done an opk so a lot of mine is guess work but hoping to test next Sunday!! Will try my best not to symptom spot until then (yeah right!!!) xxx
How many DPO will you test? My tests are the high sensitivity ones that day they can detect as early as 2 days after conceiving though I somehow can't quite believe that. So I'm not sure when I will/should test. No symptoms as yet but very very early days and I didn't even consider that I was pregnant until I did a test with my first baby, and even then a friend told me to do one as I didn't link tiredness and sore boobs with being pregnant!
I'm 2dpo today and planned to test day before my af is due but knowing me, will prob buy an extra sensitive hpt to do before then!! V impatient is I! Xxx

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