*2nd UPDATE* Thank you to Dannii... some news!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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UPDATE 2:: The contractions have eased off now. It would appear I am not in labour. Still not happy about the hospital not taking me seriously about it! If this happens again I am going straight to the hospital and I won't leave until I am examined! :shakehead:

UPDATE:: I phoned the hospital again as the tightenings and back pain are still regular but haven't gotten further apart or more regular. The hospital doesn't seem to concerned that I am getting these feelings at 33 weeks which I am not too happy with as it feels like they don't believe me. Again I've been told to rest and phone back later if things haven't changed. I know everyone says 'you will KNOW when you're in labour' but I just don't know if I am. These feelings are different from braxtons, even the back pain. :think: I shall keep you all updated though! :hug:

Big thanks to Dannii for letting you all know why I had gone AWOL! I am still suppose to be resting but it is too painful to lie down at the moment so I am up and about for the time being.

Also for the past hour I have been getting tightenings in the bump along with lower back pain that really doesn't feel like Braxton Hicks but I am unsure whether they are contractions. They are regular though so I just gave hospital a phone who have advised me to take 2 paracetamol and have a warm bath... yes that old chestnut! If I am still getting them in a couple of hours and they are still regular I've to phone back.

I am praying that I am just having a sore bump day and not in labour as lil madam is nearly 6 weeks early!
You're more than welcome hun! :hug:

Oh I hope you are ok? It's been an hour since you last posted, how are things now? Any improvement?

Good news is though, that if Aimee decides she's cooked up at this stage, the chances are friggin' excellent that she's be absolutely fine with zero health problems so at least you can feel a little bit of comfort with that thought, but at the same time...

...Aimee, we're not quite ready to meet you yet!! Mummy's tummy is SO comfy!! Stay in there!! xx
I am doing alright. I've had my bath, took the paracetamol and it hasn't changed anything. The tightenings are still regular but not getting closer together or further apart.

As much as I would LOVE to meet Aimee I want her to stay in there for now! :lol: I am going back to bed to read for another hour and if things are still the same, phone the hospital again.
Ok! :hug: Bless you. Well I hope the rest slows things down and your body sends "Mum Talks" to Aimee about not actually being as ready as she might think she is!! :shakehead: She's a little madam bless her!

Keep us updated, thinking of you! xx
Aww :hug: I hope she stays in there cooking for a while longer hun :hug:
Hope you are ok hun and your Lo stays put for a few more weeks.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope your ok hun.
Resting is all you can do but try not to worry to much is bubs wans to come early as I am sure she would be perfectly fine.
Aww I hope she is going to hang on and snuggle into some tummy comfort soon for you. xx :hug:
I can't see how your hospital do not see it would be better to check you and out your mind at rest, rather than doubt you.

Paracetomal don't clear a headache for me....let alone anything else :lol:

Hopeall is ok for you Joann :hug: :hug: :hug:
If you are really concerened don't give up and put up with the pain, maybe just take yourself to the hospital.
I can't believe they aren't taking you seriously!! :shock:
I hope you are ok chick.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
fuffins1981 said:
Paracetomal don't clear a headache for me....let alone anything else :lol:

It does nothing for me either so what good will it do for labour pains! :think:
aww joann :hug:

sorry you're having a rubbish time just now :hug: i've heard the princess royal can be like that - makes me so glad i changed to wishaw :roll:
I'm so glad everything is ok now hun :hug: Yes, definitely do try and get checked out next time.

I think I would feel the same, like what you're going through is seen as "normal" even though it's clearly not if that makes sense?!

Not every labour starts the same so they should have double checked everything. I don't think any "odd" signs like you had should be overlooked...

Anyway, main thing is that you and Aimee are ok :cheer: xx
fuffins1981 said:
I can't see how your hospital do not see it would be better to check you and out your mind at rest, rather than doubt you.

Paracetomal don't clear a headache for me....let alone anything else :lol:

Hopeall is ok for you Joann :hug: :hug: :hug:

Oh just seen this :oops: aw love that sounds painful i had those pains too i hope its not labour hun and it eases of and your pain free tommorow :hug: :hug:

I think the same they should check you out not fob you off :x :hug:

and ditto with the paracetomols i might as well eat chalk :wink: for all the good they do me never worked one little bit :roll:

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