*update 1st post* a bit worried.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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UPDATE: I phoned my midwife who has told me to rest and drink plenty of fluids as I am a bit dehydrated these days. If things get worse tonight I've to phone the hospital. Also for the cramping pains, I am waiting an appointment for physio with suspected SPD and she said that the cramping pains could just be the SPD pains but again if they get worse contact hospital.


I feel awful today. I am not sure if it is baby related or just general unwellness but I feel so hot, lightheaded, dizzy, a tad shaky, i've been getting a few bad migraines lately, flashing spots in my vision and I've been sick a lot. I don't want to phone midwife or hospital incase it is something silly but I am a bit concerned.
Also for the past 2 days I've been getting period like cramps, I can still feel Aimee move around, not as much as she usually does but that could be because space is getting limited in the bump now. I haven't said to my OH about the cramping pain as I don't want him to worry.
I would give the MW a quick call hun as it could be to do with your BP. Better just to get it checked out to be on the safe side, especially if you've been having vision disturbances xxx
phone ur midwife hun, thats what she is there for :hug:
Poor you love with the pains :hug: :hug: :hug:
Id still ring your mid wife the spotting in your vision would make me ring love
Don't feel like you will be wasting thier time (why is it we all feel like we cant ring them im the same)

The pains could be because your bones soften getting ready for birth and the weight of the baby on the pelvic floor can cause pain
also when the baby goes in to positon and bares down it can cause period type pains some babies move into postion ealry BeckyJ baby has been engaged for ages and she still here with baby in situe .

so i sure thats normal but im no expert and id ring the docs od middy for advice

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
geordie lass said:
Don't feel like you will be wasting thier time (why is it we all feel like we cant ring them im the same)

I am always worried they'll think I am being a nuisance. Today was actually the first time throughout my pregnancy that I phoned!
xjoann said:
geordie lass said:
Don't feel like you will be wasting thier time (why is it we all feel like we cant ring them im the same)

I am always worried they'll think I am being a nuisance. Today was actually the first time throughout my pregnancy that I phoned!

Im the same not rang the whole way through till i had to battle to get a mid wife appointment the other week i felt like i was being a nusiance and to be honest they made me feel like i was too :roll: .

Glad you rang them hunny you rest and drink plenty and i hope your appoinment goes well and its not SPD if it is at least you will know an they can give you the help you need
take care :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Glad you got it checked hun, put your feet up and get plenty of rest :hug: :hug:

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