2nd Trimester Miscarriage success stories


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2015
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Hi all, I was looking for a bit of hope really. I'm 1 week post 2nd trimester MC following an early one at 7 weeks a year and a half ago. This one was at almost 16 weeks and was a little miracle as I fell naturally the month I was supposed to start IVf. I was therefore convinced this was meant to be. It's broken my heart in ways I never knew were possible as we've been TTC for 3 years and this baby was due the week I lost the last one. I suppose I'm looking for people who have had 2nd Tri MC's and went on to have healthy babies afterwards as at the moment I am convinced there is something wrong with me and my body is just rejecting them. I'm terrified of trying again and yet desperate too - I can't go through this again and just want to believe it was just something that happened and next time will be different but it's so hard to think that. My waters just broke one morning for no reason and I've been taking things so easy because of a Hematoma all the way through. I read everywhere that poor women all over the place go through late MC more than once and I just don't think I could cope with it again, going through labour etc. It's gut wrenching. So if there is anyone who can shed a bit of light, I'd really appreciate it.
Im so sorry for your loss! Truely horrific! ❤️❤️

Will they not be doing tests now to check if there was any reason for your loss. Sometimes they can find a blood difficulty or something that they can monitor or help with in future pregnancies! If they havent initiated this I would maybe tey to push a bit for it if you have the strength!

Take care of yourself and your OH!!
I had a mmc which was discovered at my 20 week scan. I too was blissfully ignorant to tri 2 loss, being far more aware of tri 1 and stillbirth later in a pregnancy. We have two healthy boys, one before and one after our little girl was born sleeping. I had a haematoma with her too but at the 12 week scan I was told it was improving. The only thing they could see wrong at the most portem was a large clot behind the placenta. If it had of occurred later in my pregnancy they would have called it a placental abruption.
I'm now pregnant with my fourth baby and it's still just as terrifying as my second. I'm a little detattached from it all as self preservation but I'm under consultant care. I'm just acutely aware how little they can do in the earlier weeks.
What follow up are you having as a result? I had lots of bloods taken to make sure there wasn't anything with me.
But they did say the chances of it happening again to me are low.
Send me a message if you need to chat. x
I'm really sorry to hear about your losses. My sister in law lost her first at just over 20 weeks and then went on to have two children with no further problems at all. Hugs.
Helen, my heart breaks for you. I haven't experienced a second trimester loss but I have had recurrent 1st tri losses and as you know I am currently 15 weeks with our rainbow. Are they doing any testing? As I understand it they should do with a T2 loss?? I can only imagine how you must be feeling, it's going to take time to heal xxx
Hi all, many thanks for your replies.

Emma/Megs, they are doing a full autoposy on the baby and placenta. I have a gut feeling it's all going to have been down to the hematoma that caused so many problems to start with but who knows. I don't expect that answer from them though, I fully expect they will say it's an unknown reason - I have learnt through this process that I am not just an over thinker as I first thought but in fact rightly cautious. I've had it in my head for a while that maybe I should have been taking aspirin for clotting but this was just dismissed out of hand when I mentioned it and yet everywhere I look this is a basic antidote for the issue. At every step of this process I have been told nothing about what happened to me last week, I was simply rushed through the termination process - I have looked up every piece of advice and research online. Apparently what I had is called Proms 'Premature rupture of the membranes' and yet no doctor has told me what it was called. At the time of being diagnosed with my hematoma they didn't even tell me to take it easy. And yet the bear minimum advice given to most people I speak to or research online is that you absolutely can't have sex and that you are to take it relatively easy, no lifting and drink plenty of fluids. This was never given to me as a piece of advice. I'm not saying that looking online is the definitive answer to everything, we all know how dangerous it can be to self diagnose but some things are just obvious. I have gone from being understanding of the fact that 'these things happen' to frankly being furious. I'm so angry that I have been so blinded all the way through this. Let's just hope I get the chance to do this again and get some proper care this time but I don't have much hope after the time it has taken us to get here.

I have had zero contact from anyone since I left the day I delivered - no midwife, no bereavement midwife or councilor no nothing. I was told I'd get a call from the midwife but have heard nothing. My milk came in 2 days later and I was told I should have been given a tablet to stop that, so had to take it late. This was just added torture to an already harrowing experience. It's just a horrible horrible place to be and with no support makes it harder. The next thing I hear I think will be the appointment in 5 weeks to discuss the results then I suppose it's back to square one.

I'm so sorry you've had so little in the way of explanation or support. I've learnt from experience that us women are pretty much left to deal with the rollercoaster of emotions that follow a miscarriage all on our own.. it's such an unnecessary void and makes an already harrowing time so incredibly lonely. Can I suggest you have a look at and maybe contact the miscarriage association? They have people you can just talk to on the phone if nothing else.. if you need someone to talk to then please also feel free to PM me on here.

I'm so, so sorry and really hope the future is much, much brighter for you both xxx

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