2nd Time Around


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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Well, as the title says I'm on number 2 and am slightly concerned about labour and birth this time...

My labour with Cesca was pretty quick, but awful.

I started having contractions at 3ish on the Wednesday afternoon, reached 4cms at around 11 Thursday morning and Francesca was born at 1:36 Thursday afternoon...

However, I had a back to back labour with NO break between contractions once I got to 2cms :( My contractions literally moved from the front to the back and back again for hours... It was awful!

I found giving birth itself a very thrilling experience and actually quite enjoyed it :)

But... I suffered a third degree starburst tear with 1400ml blood loss and spent 4 1/2 hours under general anaesthetic being stitched back up.

From your experience, or generally hearing about the 2nd time around... Do you think I'm going to have such a rotten time of it this time?

I'm also concerned about my tear from Cesca reopening as it will only be 19months since I gave birth first time round, and I still now get the odd pain from my tear :/

Opinions? Xx

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I can't speak from experience but my sister said her second birth was a lot quicker and more straight forward xxx
Hiya. This birth will probably be easier :)

As for your tear, try perineal massage. Lots of women find it helps. If you google it, it will show you how to do it.

I had 3 rd deg first time, had 2 more babies, 2 Nd deg tears. Try not to worry but I found the perineal massage very helpful as scar tissue can make things a bit more rigid, the idea of it is it helps soften the tissue down there from stitches etc. I did mine in the bath too.

Have you thought about using water in labour? It can help too.
I did briefly consider a water birth, but much as I know water helps with contraction (I basically lived in the bath during previous labour) the idea freaks me out a bit... Lol

I'll definitely give perineal massage a go... I mean, it can't make it any worse can it! Lol

Thank you xx

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