2nd sperm test negative


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2011
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Well my hubby had his 2nd sperm test today and this one has also come back negative. He has an appointment on Monday to see the doc to discuss the results. He see the first results and they came back with zero sperm so we finding it very difficult to keep optimistic. I just know the next few months or even years are gonna be very tough:( How does everyone cope? xx
I'm so sorry about your news hun :hug:

i don't know what i can say to make it feel any better than you havent already herd, just stay strong and were all her for you with anything you need xxxx
We're going through the same thing at the moment. OH had 2 tests done last month both came back as zero sperm. Very hard to deal with. We have good days and bad. Have been referred to a specialist that we see on the 1st november, not quite sure what to expect really, but they were talking about sperm donation and possibly further tests. So we'll see. There could be a blockage or something like that, so try to stay posititve until you know exactly whats going on. Here if you want to chat. x
Im sorry your news is not good honey. In terms of advice to do with sperm count Im afraid I don't know anything. In terms of coping with fertility issues in general I can only say take each step as it comes. Knowing whats wrong is a good thing as it means you can get help. You and your partner need to keep talking and discuss all issues honestly and fully. Fingers crossed for you! Xxxx
It was only yesterday that i read that 1 in 100 men have no sperm in their semen, also known as azoospermia :shock:

So it is really quite common and there is a lot of support out there.

The first thing that i suggest that you do is check your PCT guidelines to see what you would be entitled to in terms of nhs funding infertility cycles.

If you get a few goes then then might be a weight off your mind, but if you don't get many goes then you might want to start saving and even pushing for all possible diagnostics before having the treatment cycle.

You are right that it is long road, it's just about a year since we got my husbands semen results back and we've just started having treatment, but it's not a total nightmare as long as you have something else in your life that you enjoy :hug:
Sorry for your news Hun, I hope it all works out in the end. :hugs:


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