2nd scan.....help


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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hi ladies, im just curious as to what im to expect at my 2nd scan (5month scan).

what you actually do?
what am i likely to be asked?
do i need a full bladder?

my scan isnt til 22nd oct but i have become so forgetful its beyond annoying....so thought, while i remember, let me write this thread.

thanks ladies xxxx
You just need to take your notes, the only thing I got asked was whether I wanted to know the sex of LO - it's basically an anomoly scan to check that everything on baby is measuring right for development. It will take quite a while as they check loads of stuff but hopefully they should talk you through what they are doing and how it is all looking.
I didn't need a full bladder for this one - baby is big enough.
Enjoy your scan, if everything continues okay its the last time you get to see LO until their birthday! :)
I took my notes but didnt need them,i was told to go with a full bladder but had to go for a wee cos it was too full lol.
I was there about 45 mins,takes a while to get all the measurements and pictures of everythin,is really interesting tho and you so much more than on ur 1st scan xx
Yeah, I just took my notes.

It's so much fun at the second one cos baby's getting a personality!! I feel a lot more bonded with baby now.

Hope it goes ok!
Ive got my 20 weeks scan next friday and i cant wait!But theyve told me to drink at least 2 pints of water before i go on my booking letter. Im dreading it cos i dont think ill be able to hold it for that long lol :) xxx
Take your notes. I didnt really get asked any questions. at my 12 week scan I was told not to go to the loo before my 20 week scan like I did before my 12 week scan. The sonographer didnt really mention anything about it at my 20 week scan.
our hospital can tell you the sex of your LO, but only if you ask. so hopefully you wont be sitting there like me, wondering when they were gonna ask you, because not all of them do. we nearly left without finding out lol.
Good luck LeaLea - you will love this scan, you get loads of time to watch baby, and as they check everything out , they usually comentate on it as they go through, which is really interesting.

My kids came to mine as they are much older, and it was like a ful on science lesson for them, they stood there with their mouths open, oggling at the screen! She even checks the vessels in and out of the heart, the four chambers of heart, kidneys, spine, brain, head size, tum size, toes and fingers, looks for cleft lips/palletes etc. wonderful scan - enjoy
its the most amazing thing ever! youll love it, they take you through everything, basically they start at the head and work their way down to the feet, and i just asked if i could find out what the sex was.
if your letter doesnt say anything about a full bladder, dont worry about it. my hospital specifically said they dont need a full bladder, and definately take your notes, better to be safe than sorry with those, our hosp is pretty harsh with notes, and say you cant have things without them lol whereas some peoples hospitals arent that bothered at all.
so dont panic about anything, they will adjust you accordingly. usually baby is higher up for this one, so thought that would be why you dont need a full bladder. its seriously amazing how much detail you can see of your baby, im talking the brain, each chamber of the heart, every single vertebrae in the spine, bones, its really quite amazing!! and it was all so clear! couldnt believe it.
sorry for the long post, just wanted to share how amazing it is. lol. x
Wow! Thanks ladies :D
I'm actually counting down the days till my scan. I can't wait to see my lil cherub.

I'm hoping they don't want a full bladder I don't like holding it. Feels uncomfortable.

Thanks again xxxxx

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