2nd labour???


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017
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I'm curious to see if anyone who has had two children plus thinks their 2nd labour was actually quicker than the first? And easier with pushing etc?

Mine with dd was very fast, though the pushing stage was almost two hours with her :roll: They've told me this one could be very quick but I'm wondering how accurate that may be. Experiences?
I hope to God this is true! :D
Iave had 2 and expecting a 3rd. My 1st was induced so contractions thick and fast and it was over within 4 hours. With my 2nd, labour was longer but pushing seemed quicker. X
My second was shorter, a lot easier, but possibly down to waters going only two mins before she was actually born. I started having contractions around 3pm, called MW at 7, baby was here after 8:30pm ish Xx

Sorry forgot to add, only pushed for a maybe half an hour, if that.
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Pushing it seems, can be shorter then. I hope so lol. Thanks ladies

Diamond that's a quick labour! That was the length of my first labour xx
My second labour was suuuuper fast! 1hr37 minutes and thats with 25 minutes to deliver the placenta! Pushing for like less than 2 minutes. I swear to god she literally flew out like a salmon!! I pushed and MW said I can see your babies head and then I pushed again and she was here pretty much! If I could be guaranteed a labour like that each time, I'd have a baby every day!

my first labout was 5 hours active contractions stage , 15 mins 2nd stage pushing.
my second was 6 hours horrendously painful contractions stage (much worse pain,) 5 mins 2nd stage pushing.
my second pregnancy was a lot of pain all through
I'm hoping for less painful contraction stage this time. Ive heard 3rd can be a complete wildcard sometimes faster but more painful, i literally cant do more painful than my 2nd so i hope not!
Ohhh I hope so. Although I'm having an epidural again aha. Was only pushing dd for 10 mins hoping this ones the same :)
I had a much better time for my second.

First labour - 22 hours long, baby not progressing, syntocinon, epidural, spinal block, forceps and a shoulder dystocia.
This time, labour recorded as 3.5 hours long. Less than 12 hours from waters going to baby here. Pushing was like 5 mins?
My second labour was suuuuper fast! 1hr37 minutes and thats with 25 minutes to deliver the placenta! Pushing for like less than 2 minutes. I swear to god she literally flew out like a salmon!! I pushed and MW said I can see your babies head and then I pushed again and she was here pretty much! If I could be guaranteed a labour like that each time, I'd have a baby every day!


Whaaat? That's insane! And I'm jealous haha fx for a labour like that. How did your first compare? xx
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I'm definitely hoping this is the case for me. I'm sure I'll post back in July to tell you about my 36 hour labour though haha xx
My second labour was suuuuper fast! 1hr37 minutes and thats with 25 minutes to deliver the placenta! Pushing for like less than 2 minutes. I swear to god she literally flew out like a salmon!! I pushed and MW said I can see your babies head and then I pushed again and she was here pretty much! If I could be guaranteed a labour like that each time, I'd have a baby every day!


Whaaat? That's insane! And I'm jealous haha fx for a labour like that. How did your first compare? xx

First was 4hrs something active labour, but I was on the drip, had g&a and diamprohine and ended up with a ventous delivery. I had no pain relief at all for my second. I didn't realise how quickly it was all going and I was only heading into the hospital as it was getting painful and I wanted to get in the pool. I arrived at 14.10 and delivered baby at 14.12!! If we'd have hit any traffic or had trouble parking I'd have had her in the car!!

My second labour was suuuuper fast! 1hr37 minutes and thats with 25 minutes to deliver the placenta! Pushing for like less than 2 minutes. I swear to god she literally flew out like a salmon!! I pushed and MW said I can see your babies head and then I pushed again and she was here pretty much! If I could be guaranteed a labour like that each time, I'd have a baby every day!


Haha! That made me giggle emily! Flying out like a salmon....hilarious haha! X
My second labour was suuuuper fast! 1hr37 minutes and thats with 25 minutes to deliver the placenta! Pushing for like less than 2 minutes. I swear to god she literally flew out like a salmon!! I pushed and MW said I can see your babies head and then I pushed again and she was here pretty much! If I could be guaranteed a labour like that each time, I'd have a baby every day!


Whaaat? That's insane! And I'm jealous haha fx for a labour like that. How did your first compare? xx

First was 4hrs something active labour, but I was on the drip, had g&a and diamprohine and ended up with a ventous delivery. I had no pain relief at all for my second. I didn't realise how quickly it was all going and I was only heading into the hospital as it was getting painful and I wanted to get in the pool. I arrived at 14.10 and delivered baby at 14.12!! If we'd have hit any traffic or had trouble parking I'd have had her in the car!!


Haha that would have been an experience! Imagine being in a traffic jam giving birth oh god lol. Interesting to hear similar experiences though and see how second labours went.

Mine was fast though maybe not quite that fast. I got to the hospital and started to push as I got in the door pretty much lol. I'd went to 10cm from 2pm-5pm. But then I pushed her for almost two hours after that in the hospital pool :roll: Home water birth I think this time so we shall see lol xx
I really wanted a water birth but I didn't have time to get in the pool. I didn't even have time to get my trousers off! Lol! I gave birth with them round my knees! Haha!

I pushed a little bit in the car on the way. Not much but my poor hubby drove like a pro that day! Honking the horn, flashing the lights the works!

my labours weren't nice at all, but my second was definitely easier! My first I was pushing for hooours, waters broken for over 12hrs w/meconium and in the end it was forceps anyway..

My mum took me to Northampton the second time because I refused to go back to Milton Keynes...and it was 10x better but I still hated it
I kept asking for an epidural and my mum was stopping them getting the doctor! (she was a senior mw there) felt like she could decide for me because she's my mum i suppose....Then this horrible old witch pretended she was feeling for baby's head and burst my waters without my consent even though i'd already said NO countless times! she looked very smug after she'd done it, he wasn't distressed and I wasn't overly so I really don't get it :/

He did come very quickly, I think I was induced at around 9pm and was feeding him by midnight then they sent me off home..Now i'm scared to go anywhere near a hospital or a midwife! But pushing him out was so easy I hope its the same this time as i'm nooooo way going to hospital
I had a much better time for my second.

First labour - 22 hours long, baby not progressing, syntocinon, epidural, spinal block, forceps and a shoulder dystocia.
This time, labour recorded as 3.5 hours long. Less than 12 hours from waters going to baby here. Pushing was like 5 mins?

Pushing for 5 mins, God I can only hope lol xx
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I really wanted a water birth but I didn't have time to get in the pool. I didn't even have time to get my trousers off! Lol! I gave birth with them round my knees! Haha!

I pushed a little bit in the car on the way. Not much but my poor hubby drove like a pro that day! Honking the horn, flashing the lights the works!


Lol I bet he did! They were pretty good with me I have to say. Once they realised that's what I wanted they rushed to get the pool done and I had to run/waddle/be pulled between a contraction to get in it haha. Very weird sensation trying to run feeling a baby's head in your pelvis lol xx
my labours weren't nice at all, but my second was definitely easier! My first I was pushing for hooours, waters broken for over 12hrs w/meconium and in the end it was forceps anyway..

My mum took me to Northampton the second time because I refused to go back to Milton Keynes...and it was 10x better but I still hated it
I kept asking for an epidural and my mum was stopping them getting the doctor! (she was a senior mw there) felt like she could decide for me because she's my mum i suppose....Then this horrible old witch pretended she was feeling for baby's head and burst my waters without my consent even though i'd already said NO countless times! she looked very smug after she'd done it, he wasn't distressed and I wasn't overly so I really don't get it :/

He did come very quickly, I think I was induced at around 9pm and was feeding him by midnight then they sent me off home..Now i'm scared to go anywhere near a hospital or a midwife! But pushing him out was so easy I hope its the same this time as i'm nooooo way going to hospital

That's definitely quick. But sounds rough hun! Hopefully your home birth goes so much better for you and you get to experience a positive labour. Fx! Xx
My 1st labour from first niggles was maybe 10 hours, but only actually 4 hours horrendous labour than ended in an emcs.

2nd labour was 6 hours from first niggles but classed as 1.5 active labour. I had him 30 muns after getting to hospital just to have a check as they said my contractions weren't long enough, weren't strong or painful enough and were too close together (every 2 mins for 40secs) they didn't want me to go in! Born in about 4 contractions!

3rd labour I was induced due to reduced movements at 37+5weeks. Water broken at 2:30pm, drip started at 5pm nothing happened, 1cm still at 6:30pm, born 18 contractions later at 7:08pm!!!! Literally flew out in 2 pushes! xx

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