2nd IUI


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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So after a month off I just had my 2nd IUI.
It was so different from the last cycle, the Femora pills didn't cause any cramps but the Ovidril shot gave me really bad cramping. Totally the opposite to last time.
The actual IUI was different too didn't sting as much & when she started the procedure she says "oh lots of nice CM" my Hubbie just burst out laughing which made me giggle & really helped relaxed me.

Because the last one didn't work I'm thinking this one might due to the different symptoms.
Good luck to all testing this month x baby dust to everyone x
Wow Buggy, that's great news :)

You've been keeping quiet ;)

So when are you testing?

Fingers crossed this is it for you - i agree that it's a positive thing the experience being different. Hopefully it means it'll be a different outcome :dance:
Fingers crossed buggy x x
Goodluck hope works this time for you!! Sounds promising x x
lots and lots and lots of luck hun, woo hoo how exciting! Now you can join the TWW with me x
Good luck hun, my friend caught 2nd time around. FX for you xxx
Keeping everything crossed for you hun xx
I know Louise I've been keeping a low profile. As I had last month off I knew nothing would happen so I Stayed away so didn't upset myself and think about it too much.
I'm testing on 23rd, which is my OH's birthday. What an awesome present that would be, especially as I've not got him anything yet ha ha!!
hi buggy have only just seen this but good luck and i have everything crossed for you xxx
Hope this is it for you hun! Got my fingers crossed for you!


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