2nd *** BIG FAT *** Testathon (24th Feb)..... Testing Day!!!

Flossy82 said:
I was tring to be upbeat but im not so sure now :(

sorry hun, hope it was not what i said, but i kid myself each month hopign its implantation ect but i know deep down that its not. so once i see blood its AF on way.

i really gotta think about what i wanna do as i been here now for 18 months and starting to get too much all i want is my baby but dont look like im going to get it :cry:
sorry hun, hope it was not what i said,

No not at all hun ive been here on and off for 13 months and keep thinking each month this will be it and then nothing. Maybe its not meant to be for me who knows? Just wish i knew why it never happens? :?
mum2be...so sorry hope its ib... please dont give up ttc. we have bd so much!!! but iv given up for the last week and i think sometimes i give up too early-if af comes i try to think if it had been a bfp it might not of been viable...my little way of looking at it as a fresh start so wen u do get a bfp ur little one is a strong survivor

welcome klee xx
Flossy82 said:
sorry hun, hope it was not what i said,

No not at all hun ive been here on and off for 13 months and keep thinking each month this will be it and then nothing. Maybe its not meant to be for me who knows? Just wish i knew why it never happens? :?

i been here 18months and is killing me.

i was hoping to fall pg before i need to stop for wedding , but deciding to stop after 18months is hard as feels last 18months been a waste of time

:cry: :cry: :cry:
sorry girls i try to be positive- uv both been here a long time
Aww I'd loved to have joined you guys as its my first time testing...have to wait till the 28th though!!! Anyone else due around then????
why oh why is my body messing me around ok since the pinky/ mucky coloured CM earlier ive had nothing AF's not due til sunday what on earth is happening?
Flossy82 said:
why oh why is my body messing me around ok since the pinky/ mucky coloured CM earlier ive had nothing AF's not due til sunday what on earth is happening?

Maybe its IB? i had it with my 3rd only a couple of days before AF was due (thats why it took me till the following month to find out i was PG as i thought it was AF)
Maybe :? Its odd though ive had nothing else since then. I didnt get anything like this with my other 2 though? If it is IB :?
BabyBlues said:
Aww I'd loved to have joined you guys as its my first time testing...have to wait till the 28th though!!! Anyone else due around then????

I should have been but my body has decided to ovulate late this month! Ill be testing on 2nd March.

Flossy - Hope that was an IB for you, sounds promising! :pray:

Good luck you all of you testing on Sunday! :cheer: :pray:
Hey all how are we today? Well ive still no sign of AF or ant discoloured CM so im hoping its all good and not just AF playing games :pray:
ooo Flossy, my post could read exactly the same as what you put for how I am :pray:

It is getting harder not to test though. :wall:
I was so tempted to test today lol
im just getting all the symtoms still ive been getting all week
im only about 10-12dpo today anyway and will be about 12-14 sunday
:pray: ing we all get our BFPs sunday
Good luck girls
can;t we bring the testathon forward to today???????

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i seriously think im pregnant!!!

my boobs and nipples are EXTREMELY sore, also getting the sickly feeling again.....

.....cant wait to test on Sunday!!!

how are you girls??

well i am out sorry girls, af started to arrive yesturday but has paid a large visit this morning to me. I try keep her with me for next few days give you all time to get your bfp.

as for TTC for me i am starting to give up. i am going to concentrate on wedding from now on & see what happens

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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