2nd *** BIG FAT *** Testathon (24th Feb)..... Testing Day!!!

ty :)
i bought a load off ebay they were really cheap but my mate has also given me 2 boots ones. if i get a positive on a cheapie one then i will do a boots one!
i dont understand why i mananged so get pregnant so quickly last time (wen i didnt think i would and was prepared not to) and this time iv just had no luck...just one of those things i guess...
i just felt 'pregnant' straight away before but i think i actually discard any symptoms i get now anyway just to try and avoid driving myself mad!! so i dont feel pregnant this month- i just want af to be here so i can start charting properly...
will get some opks ordered soon i think
i just hope i getb a bfp or af...i dont want af to be late i will really go mad!!!
good luck to everyone! i would like to see all of the ttc-ers get a bfp and we can empty this part of the forum

:rotfl: :rotfl:
I cant even get off ebay now i used to was quite naughty and always used to FIL's paypal but he must have become wise to me and changed his password :oops: :lol: This time is different ive no pre AF cramps or backache which i normaly have im just hoping she isnt playing games with me or its for another reason! :D
Mm maybe i might have spoke too soon but i have this crampy/dull achy feeling in my lower abdomen but not accompanied with lower backache :? Not readin anytihng into it though knowing my luck its AF getting in preparation :(
Today, my boobies are still hurting/aching, still got loads of CM (usually get alot a couple of days before AF), i keep getting a dull ache down one side (got that when i was pg before never with AF though)
Dont want to get my hopes up to much though, it will probley be BFN on sunday anyway all these symptoms im getting are probley my body still just trying to regulate itself after M/C a month ago (but 1 good thing i know i did OV)
Good luck all who are testing sunday (its so hard not to POAS now lol)
Mmmm odd i feel ok now no achy feelings or anything else :think:
how many do u think we will get- i hope we all get bfps!!!
Oh dear o/h was bad he came back from the shop with and HPT for me :wall:
omg!!!!! are u going to test??? iv been really good...so far :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'll be 10 dpo on Sunday.
Is that too early (yes, probably - I know!)
How many dpo should you be testing at really? I think il be 13 by then if that ok? :?
I found this on the net not sure if it helps? :)

How soon can I test? Well, first you gotta know how the test works. Briefly: the home pregnancy test (HPT) works by detecting a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG.) When an egg is fertilized, it takes about 6 to 12 days to implant in the uterus, and then it begins to secrete hCG. It takes another day or two for enough hCG to build up and make its way into your pee. So, generally speaking, the earliest you can expect a positive HPT is 8 days past ovulation ("DPO") and the latest would be about 16 DPO. It is possible to get a positive test earlier or later, but not as common. In my experience, if you use a sensitive "early" test (anything that detects 25 mIU/mL of hCG or less) you can test around 12-14 DPO and feel reasonably secure with your results (the later you test, the more secure you can feel in its accuracy.)
Flossy82 said:
So, generally speaking, the earliest you can expect a positive HPT is 8 days past ovulation ("DPO") and the latest would be about 16 DPO. It is possible to get a positive test earlier or later, but not as common

I thought hCG levels continued to increase for weeks? I didn't know I was pregnant with my son until I took a test at 6 weeks, that was more than 16 dpo and I very definitely got a positive test! In fact I kept taking tests until about 9 weeks (just to be sure... :oops: ) and they were all positive!

Or have I misunderstood what it means :think:
kmac/Flossy - check out my sticky on HPTs at the top of the TTC board.

maybebaby, I'm guessing that Flossy's info actually means the latest you can expect a FIRST positive HPT - yes, you'd carry on getting +HPTs until sometime in the second tri, I think (have a vague feeling another hormone takes over then...) However, it's inaccurate. Some women won't get a +HPT until well after 16dpo, simply because of the way different individuals' bodies work. The tests just test for a particular concentration of HCG in the urine - some women, for whatever reason, just don't show much HCG in the urine at all, in which case a blood test is the way to confirm pregnancy (definitely a very small minority though). Many other women are slower to process the hormone into the urine, so don't get a +HPT until 18-20dpo.

If you think about it, the only way that the average could be 14dpo when some people get BFPs at 8dpo, is if as many people don't get BFPs until 20dpo...

Anyway, good luck for Sunday, everyone! :pray: :pray: :pray:
Sorry to break the conversation..but i'm going to join you all on this testathon..
I O'vd i think last tuesday.. so Due to test Monday 25th..
Symtom spotting..
* i cant stop eating!!
I dunno what this means.. because last time i got my BFP (chemical) i didnt get this.. so i dont know if its a pg symtom..
* Plus i got strange pains in my tummy.. like trapped wind?? any one had this? x
I have no symptons apart from some mild cramps yesterday that I usually get when the wicked witch is on her way :(

If no BFP this month then thats ok :cry:

Then next month we gonna BD every other day and gonna send reminders to DH phone :rotfl:

I want a baby :x
well my boobs are not hurting as much as they were other day although nipples still sore, also feeling more tired at night, was falling asleep about 7.30pm last night :pray:
when i got my BFP i had extreamly sore nipples.. so hopefully this is a good sign for u xox

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