28 week bloods


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Does anyone know what the 28 weeks blood test is for?

Honestly, my MWs are all pretty useless, they never tell me anything. I had bloods at 28 weeks, and i asked what they were for, but no-one ever told me.

I haven't heard anything, so i am assuming everything is ok, lol, but i don't even know why i had them.

Any light to shed?!
http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/a ... loodtests/
This explains it they check for diffrent things to see if the baby is progressing well and has'nt got any thing to be concerend about
i never got told what the results where untill i went back for my next apppoinment

No news is good news but if your worred i'd ring them up and ask what the results where
also they should have wrote them up in you materntiy book
my results show negative to all the tests so check your book

:hug: :wave:
oh no..do we have to give blood again??????????? it seems that my MW is taking blood every time i see her..( just to check my platlets )..and she always makes a good job of battering my arm.
Rosie1 said:
Does anyone know what the 28 weeks blood test is for?

Honestly, my MWs are all pretty useless, they never tell me anything. I had bloods at 28 weeks, and i asked what they were for, but no-one ever told me.

I haven't heard anything, so i am assuming everything is ok, lol, but i don't even know why i had them.

Any light to shed?!

I'm Rh negative and mine was to look for Abs (sorry antibodies) before I was given my anti-D injection... I don't think they look at anything else?

Like Tic-tock mine where taken because I was Rh- also they just do a general blood count to check your iron levels. I beleive they do this for everyone as around this stage of pregnancy some peoples iron levels drop again. :D

Alex xxx
The 28 week bloods are routinely taken to re-check your iron levels and look for antibodies.

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