28 week appointment


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2010
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went today, had the usual bloods babys heart beat then came the fetal measurement.....im 28 weeks and 2 days but my fetal measurment is 34 weeks lol!! straight on the phone to the hospital and booked a appointment with the consultant and now classed as high risk delivery :/
I'd wait for scan to confirm size of baby - could just be alot of water filling you out! Hope you can get a scan soon xx
Hopefully everything will be fine at the scan. xx
I'm measuring 32 weeks which they know is caused by fluid, but at my 4d scan this week she measured the baby and he is measuring about 2-3 weeks bigger than normal too.
I see my consultant every fortnight now to be scanned to check the fluid volume. I was also signed off work for 4 weeks and told to rest.
Ooo like the idea off being signed off work lol!! Appointments on the 4th april so not far away :)
Hey, I dont think the measurements they do at the midwife appts are amazingly accurate - at 31 wks, it was showing I hadnt grown at all in the previous 4-5 weeks, so I was sent for a scan, and although she is on the small side, she is still growing fine....so I wouldnt worry too much hun xxxx
Ooo like the idea off being signed off work lol!! Appointments on the 4th april so not far away :)

I'm due to go back to work next week, but have another consultant appointment before I go back. Am hoping that he'll sign me off for another 4 weeks!!!
Hope everything is ok at the scan! I have my 28 week check on wednesday, how do they measure the baby? Do they feel for which way the baby is lying too or is it still to early for that?


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