27wk email from boots.

Oh my! I googled it too and read that they can put their thumbs in their mouth to comfort themselves. Poor little mites :( xx
I'm sorry I've traumatized everyone :( x

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Spammy that video is so heartbreaking :( x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
That video really is heartbreaking, I hate to think of my little man upset especially when I can't cuddle him. I'll definitely be rubbing my belly even more often from now on xxx
I understand what you mean and that it's upsetting to learn that unborn babies are crying ,but babies do not have emotions before birth the brain just isn't wired fully baby may have tears but it has no sad or happy thoughts so don't upset yourselves too much, it's just baby washing it's eyes. xx

Hi Katey, I'm wondering where you're getting the information that babies don't have emotions before birth? I don't want to start an argument or anything but I'd just like to know what you're basing this statement on?

I agree with other people that the crying is more than likely just another thing that they're practicing and probably nothing too traumatising for them, but I completely disagree that there's no emotion in there. Sorry.

PS Jayjay I love your complaint email!! xx
You make an interesting point because the baby in the video cries as a response to a loud noise, which I would have thought was a stress response ergo that they were distressed/upset.

Fascinating what our little mites can do already eh?! Xx
I can understand that maybe its just baby developing, but we aren't going to see it that way! I don't want my bubba crying :-( ignorance was bliss... :-( poor baby! I'm not gonna watch the video lol. I think boots prob thought it was interesting so I'm glad you've emailed them jay!! Xxx
I understand what you mean and that it's upsetting to learn that unborn babies are crying ,but babies do not have emotions before birth the brain just isn't wired fully baby may have tears but it has no sad or happy thoughts so don't upset yourselves too much, it's just baby washing it's eyes. xx

I'd also like to know where you're getting this info from?
My baby can tell me if she likes certain foods, music etc and her daddy woke her up the other day and she gave him an almighty kick in the head. So it seems that she definitely does have emotions.

I don't think that they just suddenly develop emotions the second they are born.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
That video is heartbreaking. I definitely don't want to think about babies crying when they can't be comforted, it's just horrible.
Lol at jayjay bump kicking daddy in the head :)
What I mean is that babies react to things like music, loud noises even tastes as you say, but it is only (at 27 weeks) a reaction without using thoughts . Baby shares mums emotions if she is stressed, sad or happy but can't make it's own decisions the brain is just not capable this is something that will develope fully between birth and 3 years old .
I was just trying to cheer you all up as you were all obviously upset .That's all xx
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As heartbreaking as it is knowing we cannot comfort our upset babies from this 27 weeks...
It still amazes me how they can do such things from such a young age!!
What I mean is that babies react to things like music, loud noises even tastes as you say, but it is only (at 27 weeks) a reaction without using thoughts . Baby shares mums emotions if she is stressed, sad or happy but can't make it's own decisions the brain is just not capable this is something that will develope fully between birth and 3 years old .
I was just trying to cheer you all up as you were all obviously upset .That's all xx

I understand what you're saying, but if I cry I don't really do it by using thoughts. It's a reaction to whatever has distressed me or upset me.
Yes exactly baby is not feeling 'sad' it's just washing it's eyes (crying) it doesn't need to be comforted it's just an act that baby has found it can do it's has no understanding of what crying or saddness is. I thought if I explained that to you all that it would help you all 'feel' better I was not expecting you to shoot down the messenger .I was only trying to help xx
Yes exactly baby is not feeling 'sad' it's just washing it's eyes (crying) it doesn't need to be comforted it's just an act that baby has found it can do it's has no understanding of what crying or saddness is. I thought if I explained that to you all that it would help you all 'feel' better I was not expecting you to shoot down the messenger .I was only trying to help xx

Not sure anyone was shooting the messenger :)
Personally I just needed extra information and clarification of what you meant.
Thanks xx
Yes exactly baby is not feeling 'sad' it's just washing it's eyes (crying) it doesn't need to be comforted it's just an act that baby has found it can do it's has no understanding of what crying or saddness is. I thought if I explained that to you all that it would help you all 'feel' better I was not expecting you to shoot down the messenger .I was only trying to help xx

Not sure anyone was shooting the messenger :)

Personally I just needed extra information and clarification of what you meant.

Thanks xx

I agree. No one was 'shooting the messenger' at all. We just wanted to know where u got ur info from.

I'm still not sure I'd go with that anyway. I think our LO's have conscious thoughts and feelings even at this early stage x

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Katey, im kinda with you on this one. Its just part of babies development and an instinctive reaction to a situation.
Also from what I've read it only lasts a short time and they are not sobbing there wee hearts out for hours.
Babies need to learn to comfort themselves as like it or not us mummies cant always be there to do it for them. Anyway before they are born they do not know what a cuddle is, so its not as though they are feeling alone or looking for comfort from anyone.
Personally I dont find this sad at all, just an interesting fact and another thing that makes me amazed by my lo.

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