26 weeks...


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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I week left in trimester 2 :( its a little sad as I just started feeling a little better the past 3 weeks... Until then I had constant tiredness that stayed with me the whole time...
Anyway sprinting now to finish the beans room until I am not too tired again or too huge to even consider doing anything lol...
Today an Ikea trip to buy nursery furniture...
We still need a breast pump and some more bottles, carseat, a swing, a crib, some sheets, a tube of formula and then I think we are done??
Our house is like being in a war, there are baby things all over waiting to be sorted, unopened packages, clothes to be washed, construction materials for the nursery.... I gave up trying to clean and tidy the house already lol...
all I can say is I want to be done with everything in a couple of weeks and then just relax until the bean is here and try to also organize the house, declutter things, cook frozen meals, shop big quantities of supermarket things for us that they dont go bad etc etc....
last but not least I am scared to death to join trimester 3 soon...I must admit that I am afraid of the labour a little, will I cope?
That was all, sorry for rambling here lol, hard to make order in my thoughts nowadays....
Aw hunny u will be fine!!!! Once the furniture is put together u have some where to put everything!!!! Enjoy yr day shopping :) x
You will be fine hun. Hope you enjoy your shopping trip and get everything you need.
Good luck in tri 3 :)

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