25 week Midwife Appointment :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Had it yesterday and was alright!

My midwife is a miserable cow anyway, so getting her to speak is fun haha so i just tried to ramble on and she was laughing at me in the end!
She measured my bump which i didnt expect, she said im measuring 23 cms so a little small but she said it can go either way for a while.
When she put the doppler on my tummy LO was kicking it as hard as she could! was hillarious!!
got another appt in 4 weeks time, bloods and all that stuff.

One thing i still cant get used to with midwife appts is handing over a pot of wee :lol: i find that a bit wierd and cant get used to it! i said to her i feel embarassed giving you that and she said "dont you worry, ive had wierd and worse presents than that" :rofl:

Sorted MATb1 and grant forms, all posted, looking forward to recieving that!

Just thought i would update :D
at least i knw wat to look forward to at my 25 week appointments
Thanks, got mine next week. Need to remember about the matb1 forms and all that. Should be entitled to the second Emma's Baby bumper back now? Not that the first one was very good, but better than nothing, lol!
Well done Lexi, so you got the small for dates thing too then, guess ours will spurt later , and your a skinny minni anyway!

It's the bounty packs , cards in the emmas diary booklet, you get a few sachets and fee samples and mostly leaflets, but still good to get, you claim them with the cards at argos or lloyds pharmacy must get that late preg one , think you can claim that one from 27 weeks onwards
great everythin is well

She measured your bump they havent done that with me but she said soon they will do
yeah i was surprised they measured my bump to be honest, didnt think they would do this til later on but oh well....

I didnt know about these emmas things or whatever theyre called! will ask mw next time xx

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