24hr Heart Monitor


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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This morning I have to go to the hospital to get it fitted then back tomorow morning to get it taken off.
Has anyone ever had this?
A few months ago I had the 24hr BP one and it was so bad I did'nt get any sleep as it woke me up every hour to take my BP and it was so tight and wires everywere I got realy p****d of by the time I got it taken off! :evil: I just hope this one is not as bad :wall:
I had it a few years ago and it wasn't that bad. A bit akward sleeping cos was scared the wires were going to come off when i turned over plus i had to walk round with this box thing strapped round my waist.
I had one of these many times a few years ago...and yep they are a pain in the a**e to sleep with, the wires get everywhere.....I also found the sticky patches uncomfortable and very itchy...I had this because I kept having blackouts but a 24hr monitor wasn't picking anything up so they decided to fit a reveal device that I was supposed to have for 18 months, unfortunately my body rejected the device so had to have that removed. The doc also sent me for blood pressure tests...they were pretty wierd, don't think you can have them though whilst pregnant. :hug:
I have to have it as I keep passing out, but they think it will stop after I have the baby, but they have to do all the tests to be sure, I have had an EG and the ultresound of the heart so I hope this will be the finall one now I just want it to stop as its embarasing and painfull.
well im off now wish me luck
I have it on now she put it on a cord around my neck so i would'nt rip the wires of running to the loo in a hurry. But its pulling my neck down and I look like I have a a small 3rd breast and the pads are realy itchy, I have this till 11.30am in the morning :wall: oh and she said if you knock the buttons it will record what you say for a while so I will have to come on here to slag people of so they cant hear me! :roll:
Thank god its gone they taped it to my bump and boobs, my OMG I was sore this morning
Did the monitor show anything? I bet you're glad you've had it taken off...they are horrid things... :hug:
Oh I am it was so horible.
They could'nt tell me then I have to wait a month for my next hospital appointment.
By the time they can tell me whats the matter with me, ill probibly have had the baby and the passing out will have stopped!
Hey hunnie, have you only been having blackouts since you were pregnant or was this happening before ?

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