Fetal heart rate?

Valley Girl

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2007
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I went to midwife this morning.. was late for school with kids, late for appointment, stressed out! Was a different midwife and..
I had glucose... slightly raised bp.. and she said the fetal heart was too high.. in then higher range apparently.

What's going on! I wish I hadn't rushed to make the appointment now.

I have to go to hospital this afternoon for a trace on baby, but baby is really active this morning, and that's obviously why his heart rate is up.. I think he might be moving position.

Has anyone else had this? I'm so worried. Appointment is at 1.30 pm
sorry i dont know but just wishing you good luck :hug: :hug: :hug:
it was probably coz you were stressed.. but you best go just incase.. wont do you any harm to go xx
Hope all goes well for you this afternoon. Good luck.
I went along to hospital and.. after all than damn worry..

Baby's heart rate was fine, the midwife on the ward said that a healthy baby's heart rate should rise when moving, but then go down when resting, and he didn't let me down. She only monitored me for 20 minutes and said there was nothing wrong at all with his heart activity.


Also blood pressure was fine. Just an over anxious midwife.

I know that these things are best checked, and I know that it is better to be sure all is well, but does anybody else ever feel like sometimes a different midwife can cause you alarm when there is no need at all?

I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but I really think sometimes they don't look at the bigger picture.
I guess they have a job to do. Better to be safe then sorry.

At least you got to listen in your baby for a while. I was monitored yesterday and loved seeing what it was doing.

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