2 ww symptom spotting


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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So far I've had cramps since 2dpo and headaches tiredness and spots!!!!!! I have eruppted lol:shock: anyone else got signs?? X x
Ohhhh sounds good Smess!!

Ichiness, I'm soooo itchy everywhere driving me mad :wall: Constantly clawing at my skin........ Doubt that's a symptom but bloody annoying though:mad:
Itching was a symptom for all 3 of my pregnancies, usually started around 6/7 DPO....good luck all you ladies in the TWW xx
Lol!! I bet it's driving you up the wall!! Poor you! ( hug) I did
a early test I know I shouldn't but I am a poas addict lol! And neg lol so not gonna do one till next sat x x
ive had tiredness, cramping(very slight), bit of nausea, spots, itchy( although didnt think it could be related until this thread), vivid dreams, milky/ egg white cm different to i ever normally get, bloated feeling, the list goes on.

im due af on wednesday so will wait and see. just hope it is it and it's not just mind playing tricks on me.

good luck for your bfp's ladies.

Really Toonlass, I never knew that :shock: Maybe I'm in with a chance this month. I think I'm due Friday, so I'm just going to wait to see if she turns up and I'm not testing :fib:

Lots of symptoms for you nmf, sounds very promising. Lets hope this is our month ladies :dance:
Good luck to all of you guys for your testing over the next week!
Signs sound really positive hun, fingers crossed for you xxx
Yeah snappy. Mainly the tops of my arms and legs. It drove me nuts xx
I'm having a weird feeling in my belly, headaches and cramps but if I have conceived it would have only been Monday just gone (5th) so I'm not holding out any hope that they're actually pregnancy related! Good luck ladies!!! xxx
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Sounds good :)
Before I got pg I had a massive outbreak in spots
I'm in 2ww, but i havent got any signs or symptoms...shame as it would have been great if it was my turn this month, since i got married on saturday!
i feel quisy and like im going to be sick im better after eating a meal that seems to stop it i also got some twinges low down and a funny bloated feel had a very faint bfp earlier this week but im on nights so im hoping when i next test it will be a clear bfp fingers crossed x
I'm just starting another round of :bd: so not quite in the 2WW as yet.

rbryan if you got a faint BFP then you are most probably pregnant. Test again!!

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