2 weeks late and still a BFN, what to do now?


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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im two weeks late, and when i tested on friday, BFN, surely it would of come up positive by then, just feel like if i go out and buy a pregnancy test, it wil be a waste of money, feeling really down, all the sypmtoms are there, sensations in abdoman, tiredness, feeling sick, just still no positive, just dont know what to do now, feeling really tired and upset, , would love some words of comfort and avvice, i feel this is the only place i can come, and let off steam, please help

love shelly x
sorry you got bfn shelly :hug: have you ever been this late before?
thanks emma, no ive only ever been 10 days late, and that because i went on a diet ( quite a strict one for me), but this time, nothing in my lifestyle has canged, eating and dreaking the same, doing the same amount of exercise (hardly any) and yet a BFN, it just really confuses me, :cry: :cry:
are you stressed for any reason at the mo hun? also some people still dont get + for quite a while after missed af. maybe ask your docs if they will do bloods for you to confirm? what tests have you tried?
i've been to the health clinic twice, i havnt bought any, but i have ordered some of the net, they should be here tomorrow, so, if i still get a negative then, then maybe your right, i should see the doctor for a blood test, im not particularly stressed at the min, i only started beng stressed afew days ago, from all this, thank you for your advice, its nice to talk to somebody other than family for a change, im just hoping so bad that AF stays away, and that i do get my BF+,
youve still got a chance hun as long as AF doesnt show. :pray:

some docs are funny about doing bloods but its worth asking. did you buy cheapies from the net? if you still dont have any luck with those and also no luck with the docs then might be worth investing in a CB. :hug:
yes, they are cheapies, , i just thought that 2 weeks late, there would be a + by now, i keep on getting cramps in my abdoman, and lower back, but they feel nothing like AF cramps, they are much lighter and weaker, im really testing my patience, i decided that i would wait til i was three weeks late, then surely it cant come back negative, but i just dont think i can do that, its like im always setting myself up, only to be let down.how late were you from AF that you got a +?
aw hun :hug: :hug:

i tested day af was due at 28 days and got the faintest line which i didnt really take any notice of as thought it could have been an evap. had tiny amount of blood when wiped 3 days later so thought af had arrived but got nothing after that, tested the next day and got bfp....

you must be so frustrated :wall:
Hiya hun, I know exactly how you feel, I had this problem missed a period had loads of pregnancy symptoms and bfn after a week I saw my doctor who did a test (didnt think I had done it properly :roll: ) when the test was negative he told me to wait two weeks test again and come back, again bfn this has been going on for awhile now, I am still having pregnancy symtoms sickness, tiredness etc but have had a light bleed for my next period my doctors are sure now that I am not pregnant and are trying to find out what has caused my hormones to be all over the place, I have a scan tomorrow so hoping to get some answers, but had a month of the doctors saying I may be pregnant and to watch what I ate etc and the not knowing is a nightmare so know how frustrating it is and what mind games it can play on you!!!

This is what pee on a stick says about the chance of having a false negative hope its of some help to you :hug:

Can I still be pregnant if the test is negative (have a "false negative")? In a word, yes. You could be testing too early (before your baby is making enough pregnancy hormone to be detected by the test.) And some women (this is fairly rare, but possible) never get a positive urine test even when they're definitely pregnant (for some reason the hormone doesn't make it into their urine.) I have a friend who didn't get a positive HPT until 25 DPO! (With her second baby, a test at 23 DPO was negative . . . but a test on 30 DPO was positive. Oddly enough, with #3, her positive test came at only 12 DPO.) If you get a negative test but think you might be preggo anyway, wait a couple of days (giving the hCG hormone time to build up) and try again. It's not over until the fat lady sings-- and your period crashes the party.

If you are not monitoring your fertility in any way (OPK's, charting cervical mucus or basal temperature, ultrasounds) it becomes extra-tricky. There are two parts to every menstrual cycle: from the start of your period to ovulation, which can vary quite a bit in length, and from ovulation to your next period, which is usually consistent in length. (This second half is known as the "luteal phase," and the normal range is 10-16 days. It's normal for your typical luteal phase to vary by a day or two. For example, mine is normally 11 days, but 10 and 12 are not unheard of either. I have also had a couple of longer ones by total fluke.)

Because ovulation can happen at any time, it's possible your egg was delayed for some reason (stress, illness, travel, excitement.) This doesn't mean your period is actually "late" (it could arrive within the normal 10-16 days after ovulation), but rather than your entire cycle was delayed due to a later-than-usual ovulation.

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