Anybody tested a BFN but still turned out to be pregnant?


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Feb 11, 2005
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Hi - My AF was due on the 14th - thought I had all the symptoms last month between day 12-16 EWCM etc. I had very light spotting one week before AF was due which has never happened before so thought it was implantation. Anyway - tested on the 14th - BFN so left it a few days and tested again on the 17th - still BFN. Well - I'm still waiting for AF and I'm now one week late -could I still be pregnant? I'm don't want to waste another test and am fed up with the whole thinking about it all the time thing. Just wondered if anyone out there had ever experienced the same? In theory - if my periods are all over the shop from coming of the pill 4 months ago - I could have O later, therefore I could still be PG but 2/3 weeks behind where I think I am - confused, I am?
Nadgos-- hey how are you doing?, first of all calm down dont be to stressed, and you really got to stop thinking about getting pregnent so much, i do know that obsessing/concentrateing/stress, stress mainly will throw your cycle off, in which will alter your mind into thinking, "oh yeah im pregnant", that has happend to me a few years ago when i was TTC#2, im now working on # 3.
But anyhow, try and relax, dont think about it to much until its time to do the BD (lol), and taking a warm bath once a day is what i do, i alwyas try and make sure my body and mind is ery relaxed, it really does help.
Good luck and lots of baby dust to you.., ur welcome to come to the circle that a few of us ladies have started in this same category, called BFP in march!!!
Hi - thanks for your reply, it is reassuring to hear from other people and it also helps to get it into perspective at times. Unfortunately I'm a Virgo and so when things cannot be planned I get a bit freaked out! My first baby who is now 17 months old was a totally unexpected gift so I of course though naively that when I decide to try for a baby it will happen straight away! I still have had no AF which makes me 2 weeks late today. I am 99% positive I am not PG as I did a third test last Thursday when I was 10 days late and it was again negative. The weird thing is I've been very emotional, sore boobs (slightly enlarged) strange aches and pains but no AF for nearly two weeks now. I have stopped thinking about it much over the past week but it's now becoming really frustrating. If I'm not PG then what is my body up to? I can't even begin to think about charting/temping etc whilst my body has packed up it's cycle all together! Anyway - hope you are having more luck with the TTC to than myself right now - I'll check out your TTC in March thread. X

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