AF is 3 days late and BFN could i still be pregnant?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2009
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hello all,

My af is 3 days late and still have no signs of it coming yet,

I have done 2 tests and they have both come back BFN i now have some tesco tests,

Could i still be pregnant?
is it worth testing again or just waiting till af arrives?

I really thought i was this month as i have been feeling a bit sicky and had REALLY bad heartburn which ive never had before.
Maybe its all in my head :wall2:
I would test each day until it comes! lol :poas:. If it isnt here by next week maybe a blood test at the drs?

I would test every 2 days (or like pudds said daily if you're using cheap tests) for about a week and then do as Pudds suggests and get your dr to test your blood. There are some people who never test positive through urine pregnancy tests (my cousin was one of them).

Wishing you the best of luck :)
hi zmd u and me r in the same boat! Af was due on sunday for me (although my cycle is totally irregular atm) I got another bfn this morning am really going to try and hold off for a while before I test again! Man I hate seeing an empty window :( xox
You can still be preg, I didnt get my BFP until 10 days late, good luck xx
i was a week late with both of mine! like the others have said, i'd test every few days and then pop to the docs after a wek if still nothing!
well AF still isnt here she is 6 days late now,

I poas again tuesday but got another BFN havent done anymore tests after this as i got really emotional and dont want too see another BFN :wall2: :wall2:
If she hasnt arrived by next friday ill be off to the doctors!

I am really bloated, was sick twice yeaterday and still keep getting horrible heartburn!

After reading that some of you didnt get BFP till 10 days late it has given me a little hope maybe ill :poas: over the weekend x
I was in the same boat as you the cycle before last and went to see the doc. She told me that shop bought tests are pretty accurate and that if I had my cycle dates right then testing the day af was due would have shown an accurate result I.e. If it is showing bfn then that was most likely the case.

Having said that, lots of people on here have had late bfp's and as they say, you're in until the witch arrives!
I was in the same boat as you the cycle before last and went to see the doc. She told me that shop bought tests are pretty accurate and that if I had my cycle dates right then testing the day af was due would have shown an accurate result I.e. If it is showing bfn then that was most likely the case.

Having said that, lots of people on here have had late bfp's and as they say, you're in until the witch arrives!

Well if she is coming she better hurry up!

How long did you believe it before going too see doc?
Any idea why your cycle was late?

hope you dont mind all the questions hun x
I was in the same boat as you the cycle before last and went to see the doc. She told me that shop bought tests are pretty accurate and that if I had my cycle dates right then testing the day af was due would have shown an accurate result I.e. If it is showing bfn then that was most likely the case.

Having said that, lots of people on here have had late bfp's and as they say, you're in until the witch arrives!

Well if she is coming she better hurry up!

How long did you believe it before going too see doc?
Any idea why your cycle was late?

hope you dont mind all the questions hun x

No, I don't mind you asking at all. I saw the doc when af was 7 days late. I honestly don't know why af was so late because it never has been before. My best guess is that it was the first month that dh and I had ever had unprotected sex and because it happened in the middle of the month (we weren't actually trying then so used protection the rest of the time) I convinced myself and my body that I could be pregnant. All I know is that as soon as I accepted that the bfn was accurate, af came within 2 hours.
its weird like that actually. Last month was the first time we had unprotected sex as well, and my AF was late! Turns out we did it right at OV time, so I convinced myself I was in with a chance... weird isnt it!
it's amazing how you can convince yourself, even when you know you shouldn't get your hopes up! any sign of the :witch: pudds? I'm experiencing signs of her impending arrival. It sucks! x
no signs yet, just a real dull cramp feeling low. I normally get it few days before, then it disappears and AF comes. Hopefuly she won't but I dont feel pregnant! x
well i am 7 days late today was going to test but totally forget this morning (trying to forget all about it so that if my af is coming it hurries up!)

I am leaving it another week before doctors,

I want to test tommorrow but OH has hidden the tests up as he reckons they too expensive too waste and reckons the not knowing is exciting maybe it is for him but not for me its driving me nuts!!

I still keep getting heartburn, cant stop eating (ill be fat soon let alone pregnant!) and ive just been feeling strange but hard to explain ive never felt like it before x
Ph Hun hope you get a bfp!!! Have you got a poundland they do dippy tests in there cheaper and I stock up I quite like testinglol!!! My motto is you never
know lol!?! X x
All the best of luck for you, hope you get that BFP!

I don't think I could wait that long like you are, I would be checking everyday lol

Good Luck xx
well today i am 10 days late and still no sign of AF!

I done another test on sat (not FMU) and got another BFN! :wall2::wall2:

My face has gone red blotchy and looks horrible and for the last 3 night i have been so hot ive got up and opened the window which then froze OH to death :lol:

I have booked a doctors app for friday at 3.50pm so will see what she says then im going to test friday morning just incase i get a BFP :)
Hiya, i have only just joined 2day but i have a 2 year old daughter and when i was pg with her i 1st tested at over a week late it was a bfn. Was only 2 weeks later when af still hadnt arrived that i finally did another test and was shocked it was positive. I was 10 weeks pregnant by then. So fingers crossed for your bfp.

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