2 Questions:1) Sex during first trimester/2) glass of wine?


Apr 17, 2007
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1) Is it ok to have sex during the first trimester? some websites say avoid sex when you can? how often is ok? once or twice a week?

2) my doctor said its ok to have a glass of wine a week? is this allowed? most websites say no?
I think this is really personal choice....as yet there is no evidence that doing either in the first tri is dangerous, however i refrained from having any alcohol in the 1st tri but continued to have sex :D

Now i enjoy one glass of red wine at the weekend.

It's up to you...do what you feel comfortable with.
I must have been about 6 weeks and didn't yet know I was pregnant, I was at my friends birthday and drank alot....tequila shots and everything. The thought of it fills me with dread at what damage it might have done and it's put me right off drinking ever again - probably until he/she goes to university.

I don't know what most ppl do but I don't see how drinking can be worth what it might or might not do.

I'm not a big drinker anyway, so plan to stay off alcohol for the duration - it's only another 7 months, so no big deal :D There's always New Year to look forward to!!!
Carolanne said:
I must have been about 6 weeks and didn't yet know I was pregnant, I was at my friends birthday and drank alot....tequila shots and everything. The thought of it fills me with dread at what damage it might have done and it's put me right off drinking ever again - probably until he/she goes to university.

I don't know what most ppl do but I don't see how drinking can be worth what it might or might not do.


There are probably thousands of people who have been in this situation and had perfectly healthy babies, try not to worry too much
Carolanne said:
I must have been about 6 weeks and didn't yet know I was pregnant, I was at my friends birthday and drank alot....tequila shots and everything. The thought of it fills me with dread at what damage it might have done and it's put me right off drinking ever again - probably until he/she goes to university.

I don't know what most ppl do but I don't see how drinking can be worth what it might or might not do.


my friends auntie didnt even know she was pregnant until she went into labour :shock: she was drinking lots all through her 'unknown' pregnancy and the baby was fine! :D
i cant remember just 1 glass of mine a week init?

i havnt drank throughout preg anyway i kinda stoppped 3months before anyway which was lucky cause i didnt know i was preg till bout 6weeks later cause it was in dec i think
I have had the odd white wine spritzer, as they say everything in moderation.

I was advised by my mw to stay away from sex as I'd previously had a mc. As for wine she also suggested I stay away from it but the dr has said 1 or 2 units per week is ok. Personally I can count on one hand how much I've had since I found out as I have completely gone off the taste of alcohol.
sounds like you can have a drink but in moderation (i.e. a spritzer) and sex in moderation too,lol

Im going to be careful with everything and see how it goes!! thanks for your responses, 2 hours till my 1st 6 week scan, cant wait
I also drank quite a lot before I knew I was pregnant - I went through Christmas & New year not knowing and I'm Scottish, so definetely had a lot to drink at NY. I've only had one glass of red wine once when I was out for dinner but doubt I'll have any more; having one glass of wine sucks coz I just wanted more and definetely wouldn't do that
I've been having sex when i feel like it, so some weeks I'm completely off it and others it is the BEST ever! With drink I've had the odd sip but not really felt like it.

I have heard that in canada they RECOMMEND a glass of red wine a day for the health benefits! I really fancied a glass today but I didn't have any in the house and there is no point in opening a bottle just for that as my boyf can't drink just now.

It's my birthday next week so I might have a celebratory glass, (plus I'll have reached 12 weeks by then fingers x'd.)

I think the best thing is to listen to your body, and do what you feel is right for you with the sex and the alcohol.
i was wondering about the whole sex thing too...is it dangerous in the first trimester???????...i mean they tell you to take things easy because of the risk of miscarriage

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