2 Line opk Update


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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its been 6 days now have 2 lines on opks and the second line is as strong as the control line....BFN on hcg its a joke its driving me mad then again its my own fault I am addicted to testing. Help anyone any ideas again sorry I know I keep askin? I feel like my husband thinks Im being stupid and making it up. How long does the second line show up for for other people? Is it a couple of days? Could you let me now if you do opks please?
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Hi Hun,

I use the diggi OPKs so can't really offer advice other than I only get two days of positives per cycle.

Are they a new batch of OPKs or have you used them before?

This might sound a bit silly but Hubby thought I was stupid when I got my BFP and I said- "Right if you don't believe me then you pee on one and see what happens!" As you would expect there was no line!

You could give this a try and just see what the result is as a comparison and to make sure the tests aren't faulty.

What Miu PG Test are you using?? I know First Response is the most sensitive you can get in the shops.

Good luck, there's something going on and if you're not preggers then you are definitely very fertile so make the most of it this weekend!! xx
OMG got my husband to do stick and guess what...HES HAVING AN LH SURGE THE STRIPS ARE FAULTY thanks so much Maybe Baby great tip !!!! will be getting onto these people about thiss
normally purchase from this country but this last batch was from Hong Kong effing w*nk&s well I suppose I learn my lesson am really really angry
OMG!! just checked this post!

Can't believe it!

Hope you are ok and hadn't got your hopes up too much. xx
Bloody hell.... I'd have convinced myself I was pg if that happened to me! Well done maybe baby... you see how fab this forum is...
yeah I thought I could be preg! p'd off as now dont know if I was oving at all!!! I was going on the strength of the second line being darker or equivalent to the control line but who knows!!! actually trying not to be upset about it am going to get others and start all over again x
the only positive out of this is that I keep calling my husband a girl! well we have to see the brighter side hey :->
Hey, forgot to mention the First Response ovulation kits are buy one get one free in boots!

You might not have missed it yet. x
Aw hun thats awful!!! i would deffo complain to them! good luck this month xxx

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