2 BFNs help me hold out till sat!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Hi girls,
well as I have already posted, I tested on fri and sat with FMU and both were BFNs!! Not early predictor tests though. Last cycle was 43 days and am on day 30 of this cycle at the mo. Have 2 more HPTs left and want to save them for the end of this week, sat if I can hold out. Anyone else due to test around then that can help me stop myself from testing too early? It's always easer when you've got people to stop you!!
Hi KJ I know exactly how you feel I am on day 22 of a normally 25/26 day cycle so AF due either Thursday or Friday my DH has made me promise not to test until Saturday if Af hasn't arrived and its killing me. so hopefully we can help eachother only 5 more mornings to go. We can do it. :pray: :pray: :pray:
Hi Smurf,
really good to know there's someone else in the same boat. We will not test, we will not test!!! :wink: I'm getting AF type pains front and back today so hoping it might be a 'uterus stretching in preparation' type pain and not AF(!!), fingers crossed. Only 5 days to go!
oh I hope so. I normally get a brownish discharge about day 17 for a couple of days and didn't this month + over the weekend I was weeing for Britain and today I am trekking out to the loo on the hour every hour. :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: we will not test we will not test we will not test
well, I've had af type pains (not as strong) all day now. No sign of AF actually coming though. I think if this happens tomorrow aswell, I might be tempted to take a test on wednesday. What do you think? xx
good luck both of you!!

I'm due to test in 1 1/2 weeks....why don't you go crazy and hold out till then to keep me company! :rotfl:
Hi Chellieboo, don't think I"ll manage that unfortunately!! You could do an early one in a week? It's weird, cause I've never had af pains before af arrives, so I"m still hoping. You never know, I'll probably still be waiting to test in 1 1/2 weeks!! xx
I know exactly how you feel. Every month i don't really think about getting pregnant until the week leading up to AF and it drags soooo badly.

I now have 1 day to wait until my AF should (or should i say hopefully should not) arrive and i'm tearing my hair out.

Maybe do 1 of the tests on wednesday but promise that if it's BFN that you will wait before doing the next test????

Good luck
Gemxx :hug:
Hi Gem, yeah I know what you mean. AF still hasn't arrived and I feel very 'weird' down there, so I think if it's still the same tomorrow, I'll have to POAS!! I will definitely save the other test until sat or sun though, good idea!! When are you going to do your first test?
I nearly lost the battle last night and tested but DH wouldn't let me so gonna wait until the weekend

KJ if you do poas tomorrow I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.
I have about 5 tests in the drawer just hollering out to me use me use me go on do a test - but I'm keeping that drawer closed for now
Well, POAS this morning and still BFN!! Don't know what's going on! I had really bad AF type pains and today I feel much better, just twinges, but no AF!! Anyone had a similar experience?
Hi KJ, smurf and gem,

No advice really but I just wanted to say - best of luck to you all!!!

I've got my eye on this thread and I am soooo rooting for you all.

Valentine xxx
Thanks Valentine - although don't think its my month think AF is on her way. :? :wall:
It's not over till the fat lady sings as they say Smurf. I thought AF was on her way, and now she's gone again without even showing her face!!
aw thanks Kj although I'm not convinced last night I had that feeling you get when you're just about to come on and this morning I had some spotting. Normally AF starts with a vengence and lots of cramps which I don't have, so will keep everything crossed and see what happens. If it doesn't work this month I am going to start taking the magic meds earlier and also gonna get DH to take some Zinc - not sure if I need to take that too anyone know.

I'm keeping everything crossed for you and for you too Gem.
Gem just seenyour other thread that's fantastic news congratulations. I am really pleased for you.

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