2 BFNs help me hold out till sat!!

Good luck KJ and smurf - keep us posted! I'm on tenterhooks here!

Valentine xxx
Just a quick update, not much to report really. AF pains have not come back and no sign of AF whatsoever!! I'm going to use my last HPT with FMU on sat (then I'll have to go and buy some more!!). I'm wondering whether the bad AF pains I had on monday and tuesday could have been implantation? I counted back approx 10 days from there and me and OH did BD that day so you never know!! What does everyone else think? How long after implantation are you supposed to be able to detect HCG?xx
Hi Kj that does sound like it could be what the pains were. Best of luck for tomorrow.

My AF is still thithering on the brink had a couple of spots yesterday and then nothing and again this morning and couple of spots but nothing else I am totally confussed normally she arives with a bang and lots of pain to boot which I haven't had.
Hi Smurf, thanks for the encouragement. I'm feeling quite positive but you never know with this TTC business!! Your signs sound promising if it's just been spotting. Sometimes the little eggy can cause a fair bit of damage to a few of the blood vessels as it burrows it's way in. Do your BD dates tie in with it being implantation?xxx
Any news KJ? And Smurf if you are testing again this morning? :pray:

Valentine xxx
I just wanted to say GOOD LUCK for today ladies, will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you x
Hi all, well, tested again this morning (well, it was kind of middle of the night cause I needed the loo!). It was a BFN again, GRRRRR! How annoying. Still no af. So I've gone out and bought 2 clear blue tests as I was just using chemists own before. I don't know whether to try one of them now or not? xxx
Hi KJ,

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but as far as I know - the cheapie tests are as good as the expensive.

If you can, can you wait until Monday (if no AF) then test with a ClearBlue?

Do you have any symptoms?

Rooting for you.

Valentine xxx
how do I post an image? Want to post a pic of my latest test to see what you guys think.xx[/img]

Ok think I've done it! Please have a look at this test and let e know if you think there is a feint blue line to the left of the test line (you have to squint really hard!!) Hoping it's a BFP!!xxx

On my pregnancy i went through LOADS of tests and i reckon i can see a faint ++++. When you due to af?

thanks for your input, it's really helpful to have another opinion, I think so too!!! I dont' know when I'm due as I came off the pill a few months ago and my cycles haven't settled down. I'm now on CD36, I rekon the longest it could be is 40 days so I guess it might just be really early. I'm slightly excited though!!xxxx

Me again. I would go and get some cheap test. In ASDA their own brand is about £5 for two. I bought 6 after my first faint line as i couldnt belive it...

I think your right to get excited!!
Sarah :clap:
It looks positive to me and i must of done about 100 of things.
have had tests go like that after leaving it a while tho , how long before u took picture ? have also had a batch of dodgy tests that all showed pos but wasnt :(

hope it is a bfp :D
oooh that looks promising KJ! Let us know when you test again!

Valentine xxx
thanks everyone for your opinions. G3M, when you say 'go like that' was the second line blue? The picture doens't show very well but it is blue and very straight. I must admit it was a bit after I did the test that I took the picture. I totally realise that it could be misleading so am very pleased that you flagged it up. Let me know what you think. Think I'm going to test again on monday with FMU. xxxx
I can deffo see a faint blue line, but if like you say it had been left for a while it might not mean anything...how long before you took the photo??

I'd do another couple of tests at least over the next few days...hopefully the result will be more clear.

Hope it is a real BFP for you :pray: :pray: :pray:

Good luck

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