** 1st time ever pregnant thread!

Hope all are well today.
Still feel really sicky but not brought brekkie up yet wooohooo \o/ a first lol.
Haven't felt properly sick yet. Normally just feel a bit queasy after I eat. Feeling the cold the last few days, even though everyone else is saying its warm. Was pee'ing like a race horse last night so I'm a tired girl today. Hope you are all ok! xxx
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PyscoFalcon you're almost a 2nd tri lady now :) is it 13 weeks when you are?

Im less nauseous this morning, my trick is a decent breakfast if i can manage it
I've been reading other threads etc. & I've got myself in a bit of a state. Lots of people are talking about 6 week scans. I'm 5w & 2d according to my LMP date. I'm only registering with a new gp (I moved house) on Monday. The actual gps aren't back from leave for another 2 weeks after this 1. :(
Aww HopesDreams, dont worry you dont really need a scan mega early anyway! I had early one as im in Spain and its a private hospital! In fact its better having a late one you see more and you wont worry if its just a sac and not much else :)
you're not, its the hormones and the worry! Im like a crazy lady at the moment!
Yup hormones.
Big tip - always make sure a box of tissues is reachable, especially later on.
You blub at anything and everything randomly hehe. I keep blaming it on the DVDs I watch if hubby says anythinghehe.
PyscoFalcon wasnt it just cos you were cutting onions all the time?
This is my first pregnancy and am soooo excited. I'm 10 weeks and will be having my first scan on 30 July - cant wait to see bumpy jones' heartbeat just to put my mind at rest.

I'm getting married in September so no drinking on my hen night next week or at the wedding - but I dont actually mind. It is the best wedding present my HTB has given me.

I hate to rub it in but I havent suffered any sickness just sore boobs, dreadful indigestion, loss of libido and constipation (sorry TMI). So I think I've got off lightly after reading some of the other experiences.

Here's wishing the next 2 weeks to fly by!

Hi ladies,

HopesDreams, I'm having an early scan but only coz I've booked a private one as I'm curious and want some pics to give the parents when we tell them? B theyre not essential as you don't get them on the nhs unless you're had problems before. So don't worry, but if you want to pay you can always book one. The only thing my gp did when I first went is book me in for the midwife booking in appointment. She said she could do another test if I wanted but really wasn't worth it as the home tests are so accurate :)

Hi Joanne1983. I'm having awful indigestion too. Really bad acid reflux that has kept me awake for the last 4-5 nights. Am not coping too well at work with it, had to come home today. I'm in quite a high pressure job and don't know what to do if it carries on, really don't want to tell them early. No sickness yet though, just the acid,wheezing, sore boobs and diarrhea (sorry tmi!)
Good luck on your scan.

Hope everyone elsel is doing ok :) x
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Is there a ballpark area for private scans? It's something I would be interested in. I'm such a worried, emotional mess this last few days.
Awwww duck, depends on your area, have heard them as cheap as 65 quid but I'm paying 99 x
Yep I think it is! :) Just google it, Ive booked with a company called BabyBond x
I was googling as we spoke & it's a wee bit more expensive in NI for some reason. £200-£250.

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