1st GP App for TTC

I have to admit I do find going to the GP a bit of an ordeal. I don't usually care who I see as long as I can be in and out and dealt with quickly but for something like this I've purposely waited for a female GP. Just think they can relate more to women's problems. Had to wait about 2 weeks for an appointment just to get a female doctor at a time that actually fitted round work :roll:

I'm trying to psyche myself up as going tomorrow. It's just that I want to get my point across without sounding totally neurotic as I don't want to seem like a time waster. I think as I'd had a high prolatin for so long without knowing I kinda feel like what else don't I know that could be affecting our chances? Now that the levels are normal I'm having so many symptoms I've never had to deal with before. Things like sore boobs, lower back pain, abdo cramps and nausea all of which are making me very moody as I don't want to get my hopes up as I had similar but different symptoms last month only to be disappointed. I guess I just want to know that there's nothing else stopping us conceiving so we can deal with it if there is.

Thanks to anyone who's managed to read this far. I think I needed a ramble!!
Good luck with the appointment MoominGirl...hope it goes well.
So just thought I'd drop by and update. Went the GP as much as I was dreading it and she was really helpful. With everything that's led up to this point, she was happy to do more blood tests and refer me for an ultrasound. She actually asked what I wanted :shock: and I said I just want to know one way or another. It's the not knowing that I just can't handle. I hope this offers some encouragement for everyone else who's putting it off. Good luck when your appointment comes CockerMum.
That's really good Moomin, so glad they were helpful. Mine is tomorrow and my worry levels are through the roof- just can't stop thinking about it xx
Mp GP was lovely! I am so happy. Got my 21 bloods booked in and also another app with her for internal swabs etc. Once all data is collected we will go from there. Unfortunately she doesn't think I will be entitled to assisted fertility due to OH having kids but she said once we know where we are going she will refer me to the fertility clinic xx
So glad to hear it went well! I hope like me you feel like you're taking steps in the right direction. I've also had OH send off his sperm analysis as this would be #1 for both of us. After one particularly emotional day where of course I was totally fixated on how I was "letting the team down", I suddenly had this light bulb moment where I realised that at no point had we actually thought about him :wall2: At least now I feel like we're covering all bases and will actually get some real answers.

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