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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2010
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hiya girls!

well i was told i had a UTI! & this can cause the cervix to bleed n become irritated! which today my cervix is covered in blood an its not in my wee just when i wipe its like cm mixed with wee & pinkish blood! its not like a period its on an off i had no bleeding yesterday but had it today! so ive rung up the hospital an ive got yet another scan tomorrow at 3pm they probably thinking am a pain in the arse but i really couldnt handle losing this baby :( x

has anyone ever had this? or bleeding through pregnancy an everything been ok am currently 5weeks & 5days tomorrow! x
i had bleeding from weeks 13-15 when i had brooke (daughter) and i had to have a scan but she was fine! it is scary though! i just had to rest.. hope everything will be ok xx
I've been told that it's common for this
But I guess I just want it to be something to do with the
Uti n that's it! Just want 12week to hurry up 6weeks to go now x
Really hope everything is ok Mummy24; you will feel better when you've been to the hospital x
Hi hunni,

Bleeding can be normal through out pregnancy especially early stages... the blood is staying pink right? Least you have your scan tomorrow :) xxx Good luck xxx
Thanks guys yeah bloods still pink! Got all
Symptoms still right now am stuffing my face with pink panther
Wafers haha! My cervix is firmly closed too so it's not comin from there :)
Thankfully! But when I rung the hospital
They said I was 7weeks am like Erm I wish lol! So will see I got told
If the heartbeat is there ur chances of losing the baby are very very slim
But remembering back to my last pregnancy I think I had the same problem
Which is why I never thought I were pregnant n didn't find out till 8-9weeks so
Fingers crossed xxx
That great your cervix are closed! Have you not cut yourself down there or anything? You wouldnt hear a heartbeat this early would u? thought it was after 6 week the heart starts beating xxx
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Not hearing it I don't think no maybe see it am not sure
But as long as something is there I'll be fine :)
I now have major boobache now :( lol so the little bean
Seems to be putting my body through hell still lol this best be my princess
At the end of it all! Lol! (just thinking positive I guess) x
3pm hunni! I am :-) I've still got my sticky bean unless pros say different x
Am sure they wont :) By the way hun just looked it up to double check and the heart starts beating at 6 week. So dont worry if they cant see it yet.xxx
Hiya mummy, just wanted to say that when I had a UTI ages ago, I had pinkish stuff when I wiped - wasn't like blood, but like pinkish. I wasn't pregnant though at the time, but what you described just sounds like it's the UTI. Good luck for your scan hun :-) xxx

EDIT: Wanted to add it cleared up with anti biotics and plenty water hun! Xxx
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I've got a uti at the mo, and it caused me to have a bit of pink spotting after sex, I think you'll be fine, but always better to be safe than sorry x
Thanks everyone kinda put my mind at rest got my scan today so I hope things go ok now am getting pinkish mucus I've got the anti biotics too so took them so with abit of luck it clears up! Maybe why I have slight cramps today Altho I know I have trapped wind too lol! Thanks girls x

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